Wild Fyre (Stern Electronics, 1978)

Quick strategy synopsis

Get the bonus up to 20,000 points so the spinner stays on for the rest of the ball. If more than one special is available per ball, and if the specials are worth points, complete the left Wild Fyre drop targets twice to light the in lane special. Otherwise, focus on keeping the ball at the top of the table, taking advantage of the lit spinner and of the bonus collect from the right saucer.

Shots and table features

Top saucers

The three saucers each score 3,000 points. Making an unlit saucer lights it. Lighting the set of saucers once increases the value of the center saucer to 7,000 points. Completing the set a second time lights the center saucer for a special.

Upper left drop targets

Each target down scores 500 points. The first completion of the bank scores 3,000 points. The second completion of the bank scores 3,000 points and lights double bonus, if it was not already lit. Each completion starting with the third scores 7,000 points.

Left spinner

The spinner scores 100 points per spin when not lit, and 1,000/spin when lit. The spinner is only lit when the current base bonus count is 2,000, 8,000, or 14,000 points. However, if the bonus is ever maxed out at 20,000 points over the course of a ball, that will light the spinner permanently for the rest of the ball.

Pop bumpers

Like most Stern Electronics games, the bumpers score 100 points in 5-ball play and 1,000 points in a 3-ball game.

Left drop target 4-bank

Each target down scores 500 points and lights the corresponding letter in WILD, or the corresponding letter in FYRE if that target's Wild letter has been collected. Completing the bank scores 3,000 points the first time and 5,000 points all subsequent times. This drop target bank is reset whenever it is completed, or when the ball goes through the standard left in lane. Spelling Wild lights the innermost right bottom lane for 5,000 points and an extra ball. Completing Wild Fyre lights the innermost left bottom lane for a special. The out lanes award a bonus advance for each letter in Wild Fyre collected on that ball.

Upper right collect bonus saucer

This saucer collects the entire bonus, including the multiplier, and then resets the base bonus back to 2,000 points (but preserves the multiplier). It kicks out directly to the left.

Right side lane and arrow advances

The rollover button in the right side lane scores 1,000 points and advances the arrows in the right of the table. The lower right standup target does the same. Collecting a total of 3 arrow advances lights double bonus and lights the rollover button for 10,000 points instead of 1,000.

Bottom of the table

Wild Fyre has a mostly-conventional bottom of table, with additional in lanes in place of the slingshots. The out lanes both score 3,000 points and a "mystery bonus advance", which is actually one bonus advance for each letter in Wild Fyre that is lit during that ball. The standard left in lane scores 500 points and resets the 4-bank of drop targets, which allows the player to collect Fyre letters without finishing Wild first and increasing the mystery bonus advance. The innermost left in lane scores 500 points, or a Special when lit after Wild Fyre is completed. The standard right in lane gives either 2 or 3 bonus advances depending on game settings. The innermost right in lane scores 500 points, or 5,000 points plus an extra ball if Wild has been completed.

There are 3 rollover buttons in the bottom-center of the table. All three advance bonus when rolled over; the upper button of the three scores 1,000 points, and the two lower buttons each score 10.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

The upper right standup target and center playfield rollover buttons each give 1 bonus advance. The standard right in lane gives either 2 or 3 bonus advance based on game settings. The out lanes give between 0 and 8 bonus advance depending on the number of lit Wild Fyre letters. Minimum bonus is 2,000 points; max base bonus is 20,000 points; note that each advance is worth 2,000 points instead of the conventional 1,000.
Double bonus is awarded by either completing the upper left 3-bank of drop targets twice, or collecting three arrow advances from the right side lane rollover button or the lower right standup target. On the final ball of the game, the bonus multiplier will alternate between 2x and 5x with every 10-point switch hit, after the double bonus is properly lit. This can lead to odd situations where a higher score could be obtained more safely by intentionally draining the ball with a large 5x bonus than by sending the ball back into play, trying to earn more points, and ending up draining with 2x bonus instead.
Bonus can be collected mid-ball by the upper right Collect Bonus saucer. This saucer collects the entire bonus including the multiplier, then resets the base bonus back to 2,000 points while preserving the multiplier. It's best not to collect the bonus early in a ball so that it can be maxed out once to permanently light the spinner, but after that, the bonus should be collected whenever it is high. This also makes picking up double bonus on the final ball even more important, since mid-ball 5x bonus collects are possible.

Settings and miscellanea

In competition/novelty play, specials score 100,000 points. Extra balls can only be disabled entirely, they cannot be set to a point value. Specials can be capped at one per ball in play, or open ended.

The Advance Bonus in lane can be set to give 2 or 3 bonus advances.

The extra ball in lane can be set to be lit after completing both Wild and Fyre, instead of just Wild. It can also be set to toggle whether or not it is lit with each 10-point switch after it has been qualified.

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