Volley (Gottlieb, 1976)

Quick strategy synopsis

Light banks of drop targets at the top lanes, then hit the drops for 5,000 each. Be sure to hit only one drop at a time because of slow EM scoring. Drop targets only reset after all 15 are hit.

Shots and table features

Top lanes and bumpers

Blue, yellow, and green, from left to right. Be sure to hit one, preferably a lit one, every plunge. Going through a lit lane unlights that lane and lights that colour's bumper and drop targets for the rest of the game.

Lanes give 500 points. After the yellow drop target bank has been cleared once, the yellow lane is lit for 5,000 points instead of 500. (After this happens, assuming you have more than just yellow targets lit, plunge for this yellow lane and hope for up and down action for very big points.)
After all 15 targets have been dropped once and reset, a special will alternate between the green and blue lanes. There are no extra balls in Volley, so the red special is worth either a free game or nothing.

Yellow bumper is always worth 100 points normally or 1,000 points when lit. On 3 ball settings, this is also true for the blue and green bumpers; on 5 balls, the blue and green bumpers score 10 points or 100 when lit.

Drop targets

Worth 500 points each, or 5,000 each when their colour is lit. There are no additional points given for clearing a bank or for clearing all three banks, other than the fact that clearing all 3 banks will then reset all 3 banks to be hit again.

These drop targets are the poster child for slow EM scoring. They always give 5 of something (either 5 hundred or 5 thousand), and it takes probably 2/3 of a second for the score reel to give credit to all 5 of those increments. Other drop targets hit in that time will not have their score counted! It's not only possible but very easy to hit a blue or green drop (or two of them), and then have that ricochet into one or two yellows and one or two greens or blues. And you'll get credit for exactly one of them! The best scorers on Volley are able to pick off just one target at a time to make sure all the scoring counts, and then get the ball under control to do it again. The only time it's okay to hit multiple drops in one shot on purpose is if doing so would immediately reset all of the banks, so short term reward is high.

Side lanes and bottom of the playfield

The side lanes behind the blue and green targets are lit for 5,000 points after the respective blue or green banks have been cleared once in that game. Try not to ever end up over here, though, since the nudge to ensure that the ball comes out of them into the in lane is difficult and sometimes inconsistent.

In lanes always score 500 points. The out lanes alternate being worth 500 points or being lit for 5,000. The only thing that switches which out lane is lit is the yellow bumper, specifically.

There is no end of ball bonus, but tilt ends the entire game, not just the current ball. Especially if the ball is leaving via a lit out lane, be very careful with nudging, as sometimes it's better to take your 5,000 and scram.

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