Universe (Zaccaria, 1977)

Quick strategy synopsis

Hit the four A-B-C-D drop targets, then whale on the rightmost standup target in the center of the table for 30,000 points per shot. If you max out the bonus at 10,000 points, the center standup target will also be lit for 30,000, but is usually much more dangerous to shoot at directly. Ignore the top hole and the leftmost of the center standup targets.

Shots and table features

Top hole

Starts each ball at a value of 100 points. Entering the saucer lights the bumpers for 1,000 points instead of 100, lights one extra ball star, and scores and advances the lit value in the sequence 100 -> 500 -> 1,000 -> 5,000 -> 10,000. Entering the hole 5 times in one ball lights the leftmost center standup target for 30,000 points. This hole is hard enouh to hit on the plunge and basically impossible to get to after the plunge, so its purpose can be ignored entirely beyond being a skill shot that lights the bumpers.

A-B-C-D drop targets

Each target scores 5,000 points, one bonus advance, and one extra ball star. Hit all 4 to light the rightmost center standup target for 30,000 points. Drop targets never reset, even if all 4 are hit. These are the safest things to go for at the start of a ball.

Center standup targets

Score 500 points when not lit, or 30,000 when lit. (The word "Special" in front of them refers to the 30,000 points, not an extra ball or free game.) All three targets also award 1 bonus advance, whether lit or not. The middle target of the three always awards one extra ball star when hit, but the other two only award an extra ball star if they are lit for 30,000 points.

To light the left target, make the top hole 5 times in one ball. To light the middle target, max out the bonus at 10,000 points. To light the right target, hit the four A-B-C-D drop targets. Once one of these targets is lit, it will stay lit for the rest of the ball and can be repeatedly whacked for 30,000 points a pop. Just be careful, as all three are designed to be drain shots: the middle target points at a center drain, and the left and right targets point at out lane drains. Despite the danger, these 30,000 point targets should always be the main priority once they are qualified.

Extra ball stars

The top hole, drop targets, and middle standup target always give 1 extra ball star. The left and right center targets give 1 extra ball star when lit. Collecting 10 extra ball stars in a single ball-in-play will instantly award an extra ball. Only one extra ball is available per player per game.

Bottom of the table

Universe has a conventional in/out lane setup. Out lanes score 5,000 points and a bonus advance. In lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance. The gap between the flippers is deceptively wide for a game of this era.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Drop targets, center standup targets, and in/out lanes advance bonus. Maxing out the base bonus at 10,000 points will automatically double that bonus to 20,000; this is the only way to multiply the bonus. Base bonus and bonus multiplier cannot be carried between balls and there is no mid-ball bonus collect.

Settings and miscellanea

The top hole can start out unlit, meaning the first two shots to the hole both give 100 points before progressing through the sequence. I don't know who in their right mind would want to make awards from the top hole harder, but it's possible.

Yes, I did write a page about an obscure 70s EM from an Italian manufacturer just so that the site would have a tutorial for a game beginning with U, why do you ask?

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