Triple Strike (Williams, 1975)

Quick strategy synopsis

Make the saucer off the plunge, then keep shooting the left orbit until you've made 3 total top saucers, which holds bonus. Second, clear the A-B-C-D targets once to light the in lanes, left orbit, and top saucer for 10x value. Then, focus on the center rollover buttons to build up the bonus. Only after hitting all of the pin buttons 3 times to get to 30,000 points of bonus should you return to A-B-C-D targets or top saucers: a second A-B-C-D completion awards extra ball, and 5 total top saucers lights the left out lane for a special that can score free game, extra ball, or 10,000 points.

Shots and table features

Top saucer

Making the saucer scores 500 points, or 5,000 points when lit. The saucer is lit by completing the A-B-C-D drop targets once. The lights above the saucer track how many times the saucer has been made on the current ball in play. At 3 saucers, Hold Bonus lights, which carries over the end of ball pin bonus to the next ball. At 5 saucers, the left out lane is lit for a special.

Left orbit

The only reliable way to make it back to the top of the table for more top saucers. There are three rollover buttons in the orbit: each one scores 100 points, or 1,000 when lit. They are lit after completing A-B-C-D once.

A-B-C-D drop targets

Separated around the playfield: A and B are upper left and upper right, C and D are lower left and lower right. Each target down scores 1,000 points. Completing the bank once on a ball lights the "green stars" around the playfield for 10x scoring: this entails lighting the in lanes and left orbit rollover buttons for 1,000 points instead of 100, and lighting the saucer for 5,000 points. Completing the bank twice on a ball scores an extra ball.
The green stars do not carry over from ball to ball, but the A-B-C-D targets themselves do not reset between balls.

Center rollover buttons and end of ball bonus

Any of the 'pin' rollover buttons scores 10 points. Rolling over a lit button unlights it. Unlighting all 10 buttons lights one of the Strike inserts. End of ball bonus is scored as 1,000 points for each currently unlit button, plus 10,000 points for each lit Strike. There is no way to multiply the bonus or collect the bonus mid-ball. Max bonus is 39,000 points: completing a 4th set of pins lowers the bonus back to 30,000, since only 3 strikes can be collected. The entire bonus resets between balls unless the Hold Bonus award was collected by making the top saucer 3 times.

Bottom of the table

Triple Strike has a conventional in/out lane setup. The in lanes score 100 points, and are lit for 1,000 after one completion of A-B-C-D. The out lanes always score 1,000 points. The left out lane only is lit for a special after making 5 top saucers: special can score a free game, an extra ball, or 10,000 points. There is a limit of one extra ball per ball in play.

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