Time Warp (Williams, 1979)

Quick strategy synopsis

Scoring is dominated by the right 5-bank of drop targets and the right dead-end lane. The dead-end lane advances bonus once per shot (or 3 times if lit from a top saucer award), then scores a full bonus collect including multiplier. The 5-bank of targets scores a bonus advance and a bonus multiplier advance in the sequence 2x-3x-5x-10x. A mid-ball bonus collect with 10x reduced the multiplier back to 5x, but a 5x bonus collect can still be 60,000 points. Extra ball requires 3 completions of the left 3-bank drops in one game, specials require 2 completions of the top lanes in one ball.

Shots and table features


Yep, we're starting here! If your Time Warp has normal-looking flippers, skip this section.

Time Warp was manufactured as one of only two games (the other being Disco Fever) to have curved flippers, sometimes called banana flippers or banana bats, instead of conventional flippers. They were designed to make the ball easier to catch and trap, and they do that, but they also mess pretty badly with most conventional flipper instincts. Shots are going to feel like they are much later on a curved flipper than a normal one; shots that were late to begin with may not even be possible, and early shots on a curved flipper open a whole new world of backhand shots.
Tap passes are pretty much impossible. Post transfers are much more difficult. Ski jump passes tend to require less inbound speed on the ball to be effective.
In general, get a feel for how curved flippers affect your play on your Time Warp before going for serious high score attempts or playing it in a tournament setting, if possible.

Top lanes

Top lanes start each ball with a value of 1,000 points plus a bonus advance. Roll through an unlit lane to light it (no lane change available). Completing the top lanes once within a single ball starts all three lanes flashing, and now they score 3,000 plus the bonus advance. Once again, roll through a lane to light it solidly. Completing the top lanes a second time within a single ball lights the target in the right dead end lane for a special.

Top saucer

Landing in the saucer scores the currently lit award: 5,000 points and light in lanes, 500 points and advance bonus X, 500 points and light right dead end lane target for 30,000, or 5,000 and advance bonus. At the start of the ball, the lit value scans on its own between the 4 options very quickly. After any switch in the game is hit, the lit award will stop rotating on its own, and will instead only rotate whenever the top saucer is made or a drop target is hit.


Score 100 points when not lit or 1,000 when lit. Whether or not the bumpers are lit depends on the current status of the 5-bank of drop targets. Target #1 lights the upper leftmost bumper when it has been knocked down; target 2 lights the center-left bumper; target 3 lights the lower left bumper; target 4 lights the center-right bumper; target 5 lights the upper right bumper.

Left 3-bank drop targets

Each target down scores 1,000 points. Each completion of the bank scores 1 bonus advance. The first completion scores 5,000 points and lights both #1 and #2; subsequent completions over the course of the game score the highest lit value (5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, or 30,000) and light the next number in the sequence. Lighting #5 at any point will in turn light the top saucer for an extra ball.

Right 5-bank drop targets

Each target down scores 1,000 points and lights one of the game's 5 bumpers. Completing the bank scores 1 bonus advance and increases the bonus multiplier in the sequence 2x-3x-5x-10x. The bank resets when it is completed, meaning all bumpers unlight as well. Get in the habit of shooting these as often as possible, stopping only to shoot the right dead end lane once 10x is reached. Completing this bank of targets 4 times in one ball scores a special.

Right dead end lane

The target at the end of this lane scores 10,000 points and a bonus advance. If the arrows in front of the target are flashing- as a result of the Lite Bullseye 30,000 award from the top saucer- the next shot to this target only will score 30,000 points and 3 bonus advance. Definitely the fastest way to consistently rack up bonus in this game.

Any shot that goes more than about halfway up the dead end lane will fall into a bonus collect saucer. This saucer awards a full collect of the entire bonus including multiplier, worth up to 10x 12,000 = 120,000 points. If the current bonus multiplier is 10x, collecting the bonus in this way will reset the multiplier back to 5x, but otherwise, this bonus collect leaves the base bonus count and multiplier intact. The ball is shot into the bumpers after the collect; a wacky bounce out of the bumpers can cause the ball to enter this saucer through the usual exit route as well. The existence of this bonus collect simplifies Time Warp's strategy greatly: max the bonus out any way you like, get the bonus multiplier to at least 5x from the top saucer or drop target 5-bank, then recollect all day long for 60,000 or 120,000 per shot.

The target at the end of the right dead end lane scores a special if the top lanes have been completed twice on the current ball.

Bottom of the table

Aside from the shape of the flippers (see the first section of the guide), Time Warp has a conventional table bottom. In lanes score 2,000 points, or 5,000 for the duration of a ball where the Lites 5,000 Lanes top saucer award has been earned. Out lanes score 1,000 points and a bonus advance. The left out lane is lit after the first completion of the 5-bank drop targets, and the right out lane is lit after the second; lit out lanes score 30,000 points.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Bonus is advanced by top lanes, the deadend target, one of the top saucer awards, the standup target above-left of the bumpers, and drop target bank completion, and the out lanes. Bonus multiplier is advanced by the 5-bank drop targets in the sequence 2x-3x-5x-10x. Max bonus is 10x 12,000 = 120,000 points. Base bonus and multiplier can never be carried from ball to ball. A mid-ball bonus coillect is available at the right dead end lane as described above.

Settings and miscellanea

Specials can be set to a free game, extra ball, or 50,000 points. Extra balls cannot be set to a point value.

On easy settings for the left drop targets, 1&2 will light together and 3&4 will light together, so 3 completions are needed to light the extra ball instead of 4. On hard settings, all numbers light separately, so 5 completions are needed.

The 5-bank of drop targets can be lit for special alongside the second out lane, meaning the special would require only 3 completions on one ball instead of 4.

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