Stingray (Stern Electronics, 1977)

Quick strategy synopsis

Shoot to the top of the playfield any way possible to get as many chances at the saucer is possible, because Stingray is entirely decided by who gets the most 55,000 point saucers.

Shots and table features


Stingray revolves around the saucers. There are two: one at the top of the playfield, and one smack in the middle. It's far too risky to shoot the lower one because of the posts on either side, and because the flippers are often too strong and the ball will skip out. Shoot up to the top one as often as possible, through the spinner lane or right Stingray lane.

The saucer has five possible awards:

Pretty much nothing matters aside from 55,000 collects. Every 10 point switch hit rotates the saucer value, but not necessarily clockwise. Both saucers always show the same lit award. Which award is lit carries over between turns. Get the 55,000. Everything else is pretty negligible.

Spinner lane

Spinner scores 100, or 1,000 when lit. Spinner lights by the "5,000, light spinner, and light stingray lane" saucer award. The preferred choice for getting back to the top of the table.

Stingray lane

Has 5 rollovers in it, which score 100 each. The saucer award that includes Light Stingray Lane makes each rollover with 1,000 each.

Left drop targets

Each completion scores 10,000. The second completion lights specials on the out lanes and the small target lane in the upper right that's really hard to shoot for. Special scores 100,000 when set to be worth points.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Bonus is only advanced at the upper right target lane, the lit rollover button near the flippers, and the out lanes. Each bonus advance adds 10,000 to base bonus instead of the usual 1,000. Bonus can be doubled with the Lites Double Bonus saucer award. Max bonus is 2x 100,000 = 200,000. Base bonus and multiplier do not carry over from ball to ball.

Bottom of the table

Stingray has a conventional in/out lane setup. In lanes score 5,000 points and can be lit for extra ball. Out lanes score 10,000, a bonus advance, and can be lit for special.

Possible tournament adjustment

Some Stingrays, especially ones used for competition play, have a custom board that makes it so that saucer awards are given in order. Note whether yours does or not.

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