Not to be confused with any of the following other Star Trek tables:
Build up bonus multiplier at the drop targets, then fill out the bonus at the top saucer and B-A-L-L-Y lanes/targets. Once bonus is very high, shoot the Warp Speed collect bonus lane in the upper right that gives a re-plunge.
Extra ball: Advance the hyper space value at the lit in lanes or upper left star rollovers.
Special: completing the drop targets 3 times on one ball, or complete B-A-L-L-Y a whole bunch across the game.
Scores 3,000 points, 3 bonus advances, and lights a letter in B-A-L-L-Y. Which letter it gives is rotated with bumper and slingshot hits.
B and A are collected at top lanes. L, L, and Y are standup targets in the middle-right of the playfield. Each of these lanes and targets score 300 points and 1 bonus advance. Completing B-A-L-L-Y scores and advances the value seen above the letters in the center of the playfield: 10,000, then 25,000, then 50,000, then light special on the out lanes. After the out lane special is lit, further completions either award specials outright or give 50,000 points.
Two star rollovers in a lane leading to the top of the playfield. Each star rollover scores and advances the lit hyperspace value. The value starts at either 2,000 or 4,000 depending on settings, increases up to 10,000, then is lit for extra ball. Extra ball scores 25,000 points, and star rollovers are worth 10,000 each after extra ball is collected. Lit in lanes can also score and advance the hyperspace value.
Always score 1 bonus advance. One will be lit, one will not, and this will alternate with slingshot or bumper hits. Lit lanes score 5,000, unlit lanes score 500.
Each target scores 500 points and a bonus advance. Completing the bank scores 5,000 and reset it. The first completion also lights double bonus; the second lights triple bonus; the third and on score special. Drop target progress and bonus multipliers are reset between balls.
Scores 300 points, or 3,000 plus 3 bonus advance when lit. Can either be lit all the time, or alternate on and off with bumper or slingshot hits. Very dangerous to shoot directly.
Going through this lane scores the entire bonus including multipliers and redirects the ball back to the shooter lane for a replunge. By far the most valuable shot in the game once the bonus multiplier has been advanced to 3X, and can be shot repeatedly.
In lanes and out lanes are set up in the conventional way. Out lanes score 1,000 points, and special when lit by completing B-A-L-L-Y four times. In lanes score 300 points and a bonus advance, and also score + advance the hyper space value in the upper left of the game when lit. Depending on settings, one or both in lanes will be lit.
Max bonus is 3x 29,000 = 87,000, and can be collected repeatedly at the Warp Speed lane. Neither base bonus nor multipliers can be held from ball to ball.
Bonus multipliers come from the first two completions of the drop targets.
Bonus advances are at the B-A-L-L-Y lanes and targets, the side lanes, and the in lanes. 3-bonus advances are at the top saucer and center standup.
The hyper space value can begin at 2,000 or 4,000.
The B-A-L-L-Y award can start at 10,000 or 25,000.
The in lanes can be set to both be always lit, or have one lit alternately.
The out lanes can be set to both be lit for special, or just one alternately. The out lane special can also be set to carry over between balls, or not.
The center target can either be constantly lit, or alternate with bumper/slingshot hits.
Bonus and bonus multiplier can never be carried between balls.
For competition/novelty play, extra balls score 25,000 points and specials score 50,000.
Additional completions of B-A-L-L-Y after the out lane special is lit can be set to directly award a special each time, or revert to being worth 50,000 points each time.
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