Sky Jump is the replay version. Free Fall is the add-a-ball version. This guide focuses on Sky Jump, with differences pertaining to Free Fall discussed at the end of the section.
Light the 7 numbers by going through each rollover. Shoot drop targets that are lit both white and red for 5,000 points each. Drop targets are lit white by collecting a number, and exactly one target at a time is lit red, with the red light moving by hitting the center bumper. Collecting numbers also lights the various standup targets and side lanes around the table for increased value.
The 4-5-6-7 lanes are at the top of the playfield. The 1-2-3 lanes are in the middle-left of the playfield, or the 1-2-3 can also be collected at the in or out lanes. Each number lane scores 1,000 points and lights the corresponding drop target. The 1-7 numbers also light the various standup targets and side lanes around the playfield.
There are 6 around the table. All score 50 points, or 500 when lit. Collecting the 4 and 5 lights the targets in the upper left corner; collecting the 6 and 7 lights the targets in the upper right corner; collecting the 1 lights the upper of the two middle-right targets; collecting the 3 lights the target closest to the flippers.
Score 100 points, or 1,000 when lit. The left lane which feeds the ball to the flippers from behind the drop targets is lit by collecting the 6. Both rollovers in the right side lane are lit by collecting the 2.
Default value for each target is 50 points. Lighting a 1-7 number from the rollovers around the table lights the corresponding target white. Also, one target will be lit red; the red light can be moved with the "Moves 10X Target Lite when lit" pop bumper. Hitting a target that is lit white or red scores 500 points. Hitting a target that is lit white and red scores 5,000 points. If all 7 targets have been lit, the target lit red also scores a Special. Knocking down all 7 drop targets scores 5,000 points and resets the targets.
Sky Jump has a conventional in/out lane setup. The in lanes both award the number 2. The out lanes award the 1 on the left and the 3 on the right. All in/out lanes score 1,000 points.
There is no end of ball bonus, but collected 1-7 numbers to carry over from ball to ball for the rest of the game.
The main scoring difference on Free Fall versus Sky Jump is that on Free Fall, all number lanes score 500 points instead of 1,000.
On Free Fall, lighting all of the 1-7 numbers means the drop target lit red scores a Wow, which earns an extra ball. If extra balls are off, this means a target lit both white and red scores nothing at all. If extra balls are on, it's not too difficult to build up a big stash here. However, if the ball drains when Wow is lit, one extra ball will be awarded and then the 1-7 numbers will all reset for the next ball, taking all the white-light drop targets and other features around the playfield with them. Thus, if Free Fall is being played in a competitive setting (or any time extra balls are off), the strategy becomes to only collect 6 of the 7 numbers to keep as much of the playfield lit for as long as possible, and avoid lighting the extra ball that is worth nothing and unlights the whole playfield.
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