Rollergames (Bally Williams, 1990)

Quick strategy synopsis

Complete the War drop targets to light the side ramp for a lock. Lock three balls to start multiball. The side ramp is very difficult and locks can be stolen in multiplayer. During multiball, jackpots worth at least 1,500,000 are always available at the side ramp. Back in single ball play, complete the Skate targets on the left to light the Pit popper for Deep Freeze, which is a magnet that helps you line up a side ramp shot. In lanes light the opposite orbit for a Team, and collecting all 6 Teams lights the center lane just left of the bumpers for extra ball.

Shots and table features

Skill shot

There isn't one. Full plunge the ball for 60,000 points. The ball should always come to the right in lane. You cannot receive a lock off the plunge if one is lit, and the in lane itself will not be lit either, meaning you can't get a Team from the left orbit straight away.

Locks and multiball

Each drop target down in the center green bank scores 4,000 points. Completing the bank scores 30,000 points and lights the side ramp for a lock. Multiple locks can be qualified at once if you complete the bank multiple times before shooting the side ramp; since locks stay lit from ball to ball but are lit separately for each player, this is a defense against multiball lock stealing. Lock a ball at the side ramp. If one or two balls are locked, the game may fire them in a looping habitrail around the playfield, which does nothing but look cool and distract people. Locking 3 balls starts multiball.

At the start of multiball, the Magnet will be lit at the Pit popper in the center-left, and all three balls will be spit into the in lane at once. The side ramp is always lit for Jackpot during multiball. The Jackpot starts at 1,500,000 points, is increased by any scoring that occurs during multiball, carries over and builds from game to game, maxes out at 4,000,000, and resets to 1,500,000 when collected. If the game is in competition mode, the jackpot is always 1,500,000 and can never be increased. Since the Magnet is lit, you can shoot the Pit popper and the game will help you line up your first jackpot shot, but after that you're on your own unless you complete the Skate targets again to get the Magnet back without ending multiball. There are also increasing awards during multiball for completing the Skate or War targets: 100,000 the first time, then 150,000, then 200,000, 250,000, 300,000, 400,000, and 500,000. The two banks of targets keep track of completions and awards separately.

Skate left standup targets and Williams letters

All targets score 5,000 points. Hit an unlit target to light it. Light all 5 targets to spell Skate, which scores 50,000 points, relights the Magnet if it was not already lit, and adds a letter to Williams on the backbox. If your letter finished the word Williams, Scoring Cycle will begin, and you will be told to Go for the Pit. This is a hurry-up award that starts at 4,000,000 points and counts down to 1,000,000 points over about 30 seconds. Shoot the Pit popper to collect the hurry-up. If you succeed, you get whatever points are remaining and all Williams letters unlight. If you fail, 4 Williams letters unlight, leaving just W-I-L-L, and you need to collect the rest again for another shot. Williams letters are a carryover award that builds across balls and games.

The Pit popper

Located just to the right of the left orbit, the Pit popper flings the ball upwards and across the playfield, dropping it just above the upper right flipper. It can be lit for three different things.

If the Pit is lit red, that means the Magnet is on. When the Pit sends the ball across the playfield in this case, you will be told Don't Flip. A magnet located in front of the tip of the upper right flipper will catch the ball. The alphanumeric display will count down Three-Two-One, then you will hear and see the word Flip. Now, hit the right flipper and the ball should make the side ramp cleanly. If the upper right flipper on your Rollergames cannot get the ball up the side ramp from this Magnet "trap", complain to your operator, because the side ramp is incredibly important on Rollergames and it's very difficult to hit consistently for all but the best players without the Magnet's help. Using the Magnet will unlight it. Relight the Magnet by completing the Skate targets on the left.

If the left white light in front of the Pit is on, Roller Motion is ready. This is a mystery award. Possible outcomes include:

Game settings allow Roller Motion to be collected for free anywhere from 0 to 5 times. Once you've used all of the free Roller Motions, you must relight it each time you want the mystery award by completing the 1-2-3 standup targets just left of the bumpers. Since these are basically impossible to shoot for directly, you'll need some pop bumper luck to light them.

If the right white light in front of the Pit is on, Scoring Cycle is running. Shoot the Pit as quickly as possible for the up-to-4,000,000 point hurry-up described in the previous section.

Orbit shots: collecting Teams

There is a spinner in both orbits. Spinners always score 1,000 points per spin. Going through an in lane lights the opposite spinner for Jetway for a few seconds. Making a full orbit shot also lights the spinner that you entered the orbit with. Registering even a single spin on a spinner lit for Jetway will award one of the Rollergames Teams: Bad Attitude, Rockers, Maniacs, Hot Flash, Violators, or T-Birds. Teams score 20,000, then 50,000, then 100,000, 150,000, 200,000, and finally 250,000. Lighting the 6th Team will light Extra Ball at the center lane, a tight shot between the War drop targets and the 1-2-3 standup targets.
The center lane in question hooks around and comes back down the left orbit, travelling under the side ramp. Since it will hit the spinner on the way down, this center lane shot can also be used as a way to score a lit left Jetway.
If both Jetways are lit at once, you can get two teams from a single shot by making a full orbit shot that triggers both spinners at least once.

At the beginning of the game, two Teams are spotted for you, and your progress on the Teams carries from ball to ball. Once you've collected an extra ball from the Teams, you will no longer get any teams spotted for you, and all collected teams will disappear between balls.

Sudden Death

Sudden Death occurs randomly, usually once per player per game. This is a 20-second mode. All progress on the Skate and War targets resets at the beginning and end of the mode. If you complete both the Skate and War banks during the mode, you score 2,000,000 points. Also, the Magnet is always lit during Sudden Death, and the Wall side ramp is lit for 1,000,000 points. After making a side ramp, the timer will reset to 15, then 12, then 9, then 6, then 3 seconds. Making 6 shots to the side ramp instantly ends the mode with a 2,000,000 point bonus. Sudden Death will only ever start during single ball play, but Sudden Death can be brought into multiball if one of the side ramp shots for Sudden Death is also the third lock for multiball.

As a brief side note, the instruction card for your Rollergames may read "All Drop Targets down during Sudden Death scores 2,000,000". This was never updated after a design change in the game that saw the Skate targets become standup targets rather than the original planned drop targets. "All Drop Targets" really just incorrectly refers to Skate + War. The display will correctly tell you "Skate+War = 2 Mil".

Power Plays

When the side ramp is not lit for Lock, Million, or Jackpot, making it scores a Power Play. Power Plays score 100,000, then 150,000, then 200,000, then 250,000, 300,000, 400,000, and 500,000, just like the Skate and War targets during multiball. The number of Power Plays you have collected is tracked over the course of the game, but the Power Play score value resets back to 100,000 after each ball. Collecting 7 Power Plays in one game lights the center lane for extra ball. Collecting 13 Power Plays in a game lights the out lanes for a special.

Top lanes, bumpers, 1-2-3 targets

There isn't really a skill based way to end up in the top lanes; you'll need an orbit shot that is weak enough to fall into the top lanes or otherwise chokes up around the top of the table. Top lanes always score 7,000 points. Roll through an unlit lane to light it. Lit lanes can be rotated via lane change with either flipper, but both flippers move the lanes in the same direction. Complete Jet to score 50,000 points and increase the bonus multiplier. Completing Jet when the multiplier is maxed at 7x scores 100,000 points.
Bumpers always score 3,010 points.
The 1-2-3 targets to the left of the bumpers always score 6,000 points each. Hit an unlit target to light it. Light all 3 for 25,000 points and relight Roller Motion at the Pit popper.

A-B-C targets

Score 6,000 points. Light all 3 to score 20,000 points and relight the left kickback if it was not already lit.

Bottom of the table

Rollergames has a conventional in/out lane setup. In lanes score 10,000 points and light the opposite spinner for Jetway. Out lanes typically score 30,000 points, but the left out lane is worth 50,000 instead if the Atomic Whip kickback is lit. The kickback is a two stage kicker that sends the ball first to a saucer behind the Skate targets, and then around the orbit coming down toward the upper right flipper. Out lanes can be lit for Special by making 13 Power Play ramps in the game.

There is a center peg between the flippers.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

I have no clue what advances bonus. Drop targets, standup targets, top lanes, locking balls...pretty much everything is probably part of it, but I do not know and could not find the exact calculation. Luckily, bonus is usually pretty worthless due to how hard it is to get bonus multipliers (top lanes, which are very hard to reach on purpose, and Roller Motion awards, which are random). Max bonus multiplier is 7x. If there is a max base bonus it is at least 133,000. Base bonus and bonus multiplier can never be carried from ball to ball. There is no mid-ball bonus collect.

Settings and miscellanea

In competition/novelty play, specials are listed to score 100,000 points. This seems low, but I have not checked it for sure. Extra ball does not have a listed point value.

The left kickback can be off at the start of every ball, on at the start of every ball, off at game start with memory, or (the default) on at game start with memory.

The Power Play extra ball (4-30 ramps, default 7) and special (10-50 ramps, default 13) can be adjusted.

The War drop target timer for lighting a lock can be between 5 and 20 seconds or Off. Default is Off.

Sudden Death always lasts the same amount of time, but there's a setting that controls how quickly the time actually counts down and how much time is taken off the clock with each side ramp shot.

Spinners can be lit for Jetway for between 5 and 20 seconds. Default 9.

Between 0 and 5 Roller Motion mystery awards can be given for free at the start of the game. Default 1.

The carryover on Williams letters can be set to game-to-game, player-to-player but reset with each game, or no carry over.

The number of letters in Williams restored after a failed Scoring Cycle can be set to between 1 (W) and 6 (W-I-L-L-I-A).

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