For quick safe points in a pinch, alternate the left ramp with the Comic saucer in the upper right- these are pretty easy shots to combo back and forth, and the left ramp eventually awards millions per shot and extra balls. For bigger points, become acquainted with the Way Out Of Control targets in the lower right and the lane behind them: complete the target to light the lane for goodies, but the unlit lane is worth Million-Plus itself. In multiball, shoot either side of the Request targets in the center to raise the left ramp value.
A full plunge will send the ball into the top B-O-P lanes. A short plunge will cause the ball to enter play through the purple Cosmic Cottage. Between these two outcomes is an angled lane separate from the Bop top lanes but leading to the bumpers anyway: this lane scores the Door Prize skill shot, worth 1,000,000 the first time and an additional 1,000,000 each subsequent time, with no limit that I've ever seen. Be careful, though: collecting the Door Prize forfeits your ability to use a ball save on that plunge if you get house balled.
Going through one of the top B-O-P lanes lights it. Lit lanes can be rotated via lane change with either flipper, but both flippers move the lit lanes in the same direction. Completing the B-O-P lanes by lighting all three advances the bonus multiplier in the order of 2x-4x-6x-8x, and lights the Back-2-Bop lane for Dance Contest.
Shoot the Back-2-Bop lane, which is the lane just to the right of the left ramp, to start Dance Contest. During Dance Contest, all bumpers score 100,000 points; Dance Contest only ends after 5 seconds pass without a pop bumper hit. Shooting Back-2-Bop when it is not lit scores an increasing award that starts at 50,000 points and increases by 50,000 each time.
The second Way Out Of Control award lights the bumpers for 1,000,000 points each for the rest of the ball. This can be stacked with the third Way Out Of Control award- 10 seconds of 10x playfield- to make every single bumper score 10,000,000 per hit briefly. This is unquestionably the best scoring in the game, if you are indeed able to get the second and third Way Out Of Control awards on the same ball.
At the beginning of the ball, the upper right saucer is lit for the Comic. If the Comic is not lit, hitting each of the three Ha-Ha-Ha standup targets near this saucer will light it. The Supersonic Robotic Comic is a mystery award that can give the following:
Shooting this saucer when it is not lit just gives you the message "Ha-Ha-Ha Lights Comic". Regardless of the outcome, the saucer pops the ball up onto a habitrail that brings it to the right flipper.
The Cosmic Cottage is the purple hut just to the right of the Comic. In reality, this shot leads to the same saucer as the Comic, but the ball will enter the saucer from behind and hit a switch along the way to differentiate. If you have a Pass, shooting the Cosmic Cottage invites a new member to the party, which acts like a lock; otherwise, a bouncer will send the ball back to you and give you nothing. The first pass scores Party Animals; the second scores Party Monsters; the third scores Party Dudes, which starts Happy Hour multiball. Each successful invite scores 250,000 points.
For the first multiball, nothing is required to qualify the locks. For the second multiball, a Song Request (see next section) must be made to qualify all 3 locks. For any multiball starting with the third, each lock must be individually qualified with a Song Request.
The targets and saucer in the center of the table operate Request Time. Hit the two standup targets to lit the saucer for a Song Request. Making a song request scores 250,000 points, allows the player to pick a different music track to play during the game, and qualifies one or more of the locks if necessary.
At random points throughout the game, the DJ will play 'one of his favorites', which interrupts the hot jams with a mid-century crooner song. If you make a request while this is happening, you earn the Party Saver bonus. The first Party Saver scores 5,000,000 points; subsequent Party Savers each score 5,000,000 more than the previous, with a maximum of at least 20,000,000.
In single ball play, the left ramp scores the Ozone Bonus. This scores 100,000 for the first ramp shot, increasing by 100,000 each time up to a maximum of 2,000,000. Also, at 6, 14, 25, 39, and 57 ramp shots (and there may be more beyond that), this ramp is lit for an extra ball.
During multiball, this ramp scores the current Rock-It Bonus. If the Rock-It is full of fuel, shooting one ball up the ramp locks it and scores 10,000,000 points, and following that up with the second ball scores the Big Bang Jackpot. This is described in more detail later in the guide.
The standup target between the left ramp and the Back-2-Bop pseudo-orbit increases the End Zone Bonus (the out lane score) by 100,000 points each time it is hit.
Completing the lower left standup targets lights the left ramp for Eat, which scores 1,000,000 points. After collecting Eat, the Comic saucer is lit for 2,000,000 points and Drink for about 10 seconds. (Collecting it when the Comic is lit scores the Points option mentioned during Supersonic Robotic Comic above.) After collecting Drink, the center Request saucer is lit for B. Merry and 3,000,000 points for about 10 seconds. This whole set of features is utterly ignorable.
The right side Payoff lane scores Millions-Plus when not lit; the first is worth 1,000,000, increasing 1,000,000 at a time up to a max of 10,000,000.
Hitting all four lower right standup targets to complete Way Out Of Control lights the Payoff lane for a big award- 5,000,000 points the first time, Bumpers 1,000,000 points for the rest of the ball on the second time, 10 seconds of 10x playfield the third time, and a special the 4th time. The 5th completion of Way Out Of Control jumps back to the 5,000,000 award, but starting with this second time through, the major award will only be lit for about 10 seconds, rather than staying available until collected or until the ball ends.
Getting Surprise! from the Comic or successfully inviting the Party Dudes to the Cosmic Cottage starts multiball. Multiball is always 2 balls. The Rock-It fuel level will start at 4,000,000 points. Shoot the Rock-It at any time to score those fuel level points. Shoot the Comic saucer or the Back-2-Bop upper left lane to increase the fuel level by 1,000,000. Advancing the fuel level when it is already at 7,000,000 starts the Big Bang Chance. During Big Bang, shoot the left ramp to relock a ball and score 10,000,000 points. Now, the Big Bang Jackpot is available- it can be collected at any time, but only once. The Big Bang jackpot is worth 20,000,000 points, plus the value of any targets hit after the first ball was relocked, up to a maximum of 50,000,000. This means there's risk/reward here: do you keep playing to build the jackpot, knowing that you lose it all if you drain, or do you collect the basically-free 20,000,000? The choice is yours, and yours alone.
After collecting the Big Bang jackpot, multiball resumes, but the Rock-It feature is gone, and instead every switch in the game is worth 250,000 points until multiball ends.
If multiball ends before the 10,000,000 point shot in Big Bang was scored, the Rock-It becomes a hurry-up, whose value starts at whatever the Fuel was built up to during multiball and counting down every few seconds.
If multiball is played, all scoring on the playfield is doubled for the rest of the ball.
The Party Zone has a conventional in/out lane setup. The in lanes...don't really do anything. The out lanes are lit for End Zone bonus by hitting the End Zone target; the End Zone bonus increases by 100,000 each time that target is hit.
Bonus starts at 10,000 points and is added to in various amounts by every switch in the game. Exactly how much each thing adds to bonus seems way too detailed to figure out just by playing. Bonus multiplier is advanced in the sequence 2x-4x-6x-8x with each completion of the B-O-P top lanes. There is no way to carry over base bonus or bonus multiplier from ball to ball, and there is also no mid-ball bonus collect.
The manual says that in competition/novelty play, a special would be worth 1,000,000 points, but other online resources say this value is actually 50,000,000. I have not been able to test one or the other. Extra balls cannot seem to have a point value at all.
The starting fuel level toward Big Bang can be set to anywhere from 1 to 8. This only applies to the first time through the Big Bang sequence: after collecting a Big Bang, the fuel meter will always start at the very bottom on all subsequent multiballs.
The following timers can be adjusted: the amount of time Way Out Of Control awards are lit the second time through (5-30 seconds, default 15); the time that Comic is lit after completing Ha-Ha-Ha (5-30 seconds, default 10); the length of Laff Attack (10-40 seconds, default 15); the time the Drink and B. Merry are lit (5-30 seconds, default 12 and 13 respectively); and the time that 10x Playfield runs (5-30 seconds, default 10).
Way Out Of Control difficulty can be changed so that the awards are always lit until collected or the awards are always on a time limit, instead of staying on the first time through and having a time limit after that.
The Comic difficulty can be adjusted to have it always lit, always on a timer, lit for free at the start of the game (default), or lit for free at the start of each ball.
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