Bonus is a big deal on Paragon. Build it at any drop target, the two top saucers, every 5 hits of the spinner, or the labelled standup targets. Also be sure to complete the in line drops at least once for max multiplier; confusingly, the third target gives 2X, the 4th gives 3X, and 5X comes from the saucer behind them. Make sure any trip to the top of the table ends with the Golden Cliffs or Paragon letter saucers.
Each hit to the saucer scores the lit value (starts at 2,000) and advances the value (by 2,000, maxes at 20,000). If the saucer is lit for 20,000, making it will also score 1 bonus advance.
Scores 500 points, a bonus advance, and the lit Paragon letter. The lit letter can either always be the next one in sequence that you don't have, or constantly be rotating making it effectively random. When the word Paragon is completed in the center of the table, the next hit to this saucer scores 25,000 points plus a special.
Scores 100 points per spin. Every 5 spins advances the bonus.
Each target scores 1,000 points and a bonus advance. The third target in the sequence awards 2X bonus, and the last target awards 3X. After the in lines, the back saucer is available. The first visit to this saucer awards 5X bonus; the second awards an extra ball; the third and on award a special. Landing in this saucer also resets the in line targets on every collect starting with the second (the EB).
It's possible to backhand these targets from the lower left flipper, by making a very quick flip just to get the ball rocking a little bit, then quickly doing a full flip and immediately letting go when the ball is halfway or more up the lower left flipper. The immediate release is needed to ensure the upper left flipper is out of the way. This method can knock down all 4 drop targets, but has trouble getting all the way into the saucer when the drops are down.
Completing the 3-bank scores and advances the lit value, as well as advancing the value of the waterfall lane behind the drops. Progress on the drop target award itself is carried from ball to ball. Awards are 10,000-15,000-20,000-25,000-special.
The squiggly lane behind the drop targets can only be gone through from top to bottom. If not lit at all, this lane scores 1,000 points. Each completion of the drop targets advances this lane's value, up to 5,000-10,000-special. The point values are collectible repeatedly, but the special can only be collected once. The value of this lane does reset between balls.
On the left side, behind the left slingshot is the Beast Lair, a chamber containing a pop bumper. There is one place for the ball to enter (above the left sling), but 3 places for the ball to leave (above the left sling, through a gate to the left flipper in the lower right, and through a gap in the bottom to the out hole). Nudging the ball into a safe place from the beast lair is a very difficult skill. Use the upper left mini flipper to deflect the ball away from going into the beast lair whenever possible.
On the right side, a conventional in/out lane setup (worth 1,000 points each) leads to a double flipper. It is possible to scissor drain between the flippers. Both right flippers can be used to shoot either the in line drop target lane or the spinner, so do what's best for you.
European copies of Paragon only have one right flipper, due to the European market's desires to be able to trap the ball on either conventionally-placed flipper. This removes the risk of a scissor drain but limits options for shooting the upper left of the table.
Bonus is advanced at the top star rollover, Paragon saucer, Golden Cliffs saucer (when value is maxed at 20,000 only), spinner (every 5 hits), in line drop targets, and Advance Bonus targets. When the bonus reaches 20, 30, or 40, it is locked in as a Super Bonus to be carried for the rest of the game. Otherwise, bonus is not held from ball to ball.
Bonus multiplier is advanced as described in the "In line drops and back saucer" section. Maximum bonus is 5x 49,000 = 245,000 points. Bonus is enough of a big deal for scoring in this game that collecting bonus multipliers should always be the first priority on a ball. Bonus multipliers cannot be carried from ball to ball in any way.
When set to points for competition/novelty play, specials score 50,000 and extra balls score 25,000.
In line drop targets can be set to spot Paragon letters. They can also be set to give 3,000 points plus 2 bonus advances instead of 1,000 points and 1 advance.
The Paragon saucer can give 3,000 points plus 2 bonus advance, instead of 500 and 1 advance.
The waterfall lane behind the right drop targets can be set to start with 5,000 lit, meaning only two completions of the right drops are needed to lit the special instead of two.
The right drop targets can be set to be lit for special constantly, or revert to being worth 25,000 points once the special is collected once.
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