Paddock is the replay version. Post Time is the add-a-ball version. The only differences between the two are that on Post Time, all scoring is multiplied by 10, and the "replay" scores also give extra balls.
For points, shoot to the top corners of the table to score 100 points per hit from the top A-B-C-D targets, then go for the center target instead for 300 points each once it's lit. For extra balls, complete races: the advance bumper, the A-B lanes, and the lit center rollover give 1 advance, and the center top lane and C-D targets give 3 advances. Typically, 6 full races are needed for an extra ball.
The outer lanes give the A and B respectively, score 10 points, and advance the horse one position. The center lane does not give any letters, but awards 30 points and three racetrack advances.
The four targets correspond to the four A-B-C-D letters. Hitting a target lights that letter and scores 100 points.
The center green bumper labelled Advance does not score any points, but advances the horse one position around the track. The four yellow bumpers score 1 point or 10 points when lit, and are lit by collecting the corresponding A-B-C-D letter.
Scores 30 points, or 300 when lit. Does not advance the horse around the racetrack. This target is lit by collecting all four of A-B-C-D.
Score 30 points and 3 racetrack advances. The left target also lights the letter C, and the right target lights D.
The placement of the lit rollover button shows how close the horse is to finishing a lap. Completed laps are shown by the Races count in the middle of the table; crossing the black arrow increments the race count. None of the rollover buttons give points, but the lit rollover button does advance the light one position when rolled over. Extra balls are awarded by completing certain numbers of laps, and indicated by horseshoes on the backglass next to the Balls to Play count.
Paddock has a conventional in/out lane setup. All lanes score 100 points. The out lanes are lit to advance an entire race with track progress if A-B-C-D has been completed. The in lanes are lit to advance an entire race if the lit rollover is the one just before the finish lane, nearest to the number 7 race light.
There is no end of ball bonus. A-B-C-D letters are reset between balls, but racetrack position and completed races are kept track of for the entire game.
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