Meteor (Stern Electronics, 1979)

Quick strategy synopsis

Get the spinner value as high as possible, then hit it all day. Nothing else in the scoring is particularly meaningful. The spinner is at its max value of 2,000 per spin when all of the METEOR targets in the top bank is down except for one of the E, T, second E, or O.

Shots and table features

METEOR letters and spinner

The M and R targets score 6,000 when hit and add 600 points/spin to the spinner value.
The E, T, E, and O targets score 2,000 when hit and add 200 points/spin to the spinner value.
Completing the bank resets the spinner value to its base of 200/spin and advances the bonus multiplier. Bonus multiplier carries over to the next ball if it is at 5X or less, but resets for the next ball if advanced to 6X or 7X (max).

The ideal spinner setup is to knock down 5 of the 6 Meteor targets, with the one remaining target being something other than the M or the R. In this case, the spinner is worth 2,000 points per spin, which absolutely dominates scoring. Getting the spinner value as high as possible then hitting it repeatedly is the only worthwhile strategy in this game. If the ball comes back to a flipper before the spinner is done moving, wait a moment to ensure that the spinner is hit fully head-on.

Meteor targets can be spotted by the lit rollovers at the top of the game, as well as the standup target and the in lanes when lit. Inevitably, a ball will find a lit in lane and spot the last target in the bank, ruining a perfect spinner setup. The number of places to spot a Meteor target (out of 6) decreases as the bonus multiplier increases; the exact manner in which this happens depends on the settings.

If the bonus multiplier has reached 6X or 7X, one of the Meteor targets will be lit for WOW. Which one is lit will rotate on a timer. In casual play, WOW probably scores extra ball, but in tournament play, it can be set to be worth 70,000 points, 40,000 points, or nothing.

1-2-3 targets and bonus

There are 3 bonuses in this game, fittingly labelled 1, 2, and 3. These bonuses start out empty, at 0 points.
Hitting any numbered drop target will advance the corresponding bonus, and then score whatever that current bonus is at. The maximum for each bonus is 7,000 points.

If the 1 or 3 bonus is empty, the small yellow passive bumpers that read Advance 1 When Lit and Advance 3 When Lit or be turned off, and hitting one is only worth 500 points. However, if the 1 or the 3 bonus is at least 1,000, hitting the corresponding bumper will advance and score a bonus just like a drop target (though it will not actually spot one of the drop targets).

If all three bonuses are at the same value (but NOT 0, and NOT the maximum of 7,000), a WOW is available. It can be lit either at the standup target or at the center drop of any of the three numbered banks, and rotates between them on switch hits.

End of ball bonus is equal to the sum of the three bonuses times the bonus X. Maximum bonus = (7,000 + 7,000 + 7,000) x7 = 147,000. Not awful, but just focus on the spinner instead.
A lit outlane will score the sum of the three bonuses (unmultiplied) before the actual end of ball bonus countdown begins.

A Special can be lit in the same places as the WOW mentioned in this section. I've never done it myself nor have I seen it done, and I honestly don't know what triggers it. If I had to guess, it would light if all 3 bonuses are maxed out at 7,000 each AND the bonus multiplier is maxed out at 7X. In casual play, Special is likely scores extra ball or free game; in competition play, it can be worth 130,000 points, 90,000 points, or nothing.

The big star pop bumper does not advance the 2 bonus; for some reason, the 2 doesn't get its own spot bumper. Instead the star bumper just gives 1,000 points per hit in 3 ball play, or 100 points per hit in 5 ball play.

I just talked a lot about the 1-2-3 stuff. Seriously, none of it matters. Light the spinner and rip the spinner. That's it. Make sure to develop a method to pass the ball from the right flipper to the left so the spinner can be hit again.

Note that there is a center peg on this game between the flippers. That's a Kirk Post (TM), and it can be very helpful, but don't rely on it too much or it'll betray you at exactly the wrong moment.

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