Medieval Madness (Bally Williams, 1997)

Quick strategy synopsis

For quick points, shoot the castle over and over again. The gate and castle destruction give decent and simple points, and an extra ball is lit when 2 castles are destroyed.

To work toward game completion, complete every major shot 3 times (by shooting it 3 or 4 times; major shots include the left catapult, both orbits, and both ramps) as well as hitting a total of 10 trolls and destroying 6 castles. Castle Multiball is started at the lock shot left of the castle drawbridge, and Multiball Madness is started after the scoop after completing one shot (but completing more shots first makes the multiball better).

Medieval Madness playfield. Taken from VPX by ninuzzu

Shots and table features

Joust orbits

Left and right orbits that count toward a Joust completion together. Shots in a Joust progression are worth 50,000, 75,000, then 100,000. The shot will either go all the way around the table and return down the opposite orbit, or fall into the pop bumpers during a 100,000 point joust completion shot or Super Jets.

Joust Champion is awarded after 3 Joust Victories.

Left and right ramps

The left and right ramps are the Peasant and Damsel ramps respectively, and work similarly to each other. It takes 4 shots to complete either ramp, and those shots start at and increase by 25,000 at a time.
The Peasant ramp feeds the left in lane, and the Damsel ramp feeds the right in lane. Both ramps have forked entrances designed so that if the ball goes part of the way up and rolls back down, it will usually reject toward the right flipper rather than the drain.
The 4th Damsel ramp shot, which scores a Damsel completion, continues up the ramp toward a hole in the back of the game for a DMD animation before being sent to the pop bumpers, rather than looping to the right in lane.

Patron of Peasants and Defender of Damsels are lit after 3 completions of their respective ramps.

Catapult lane

At the far left of the game, and the hardest major shot to hit. Most of the time, the ball ends up here on a bounce rather than from a shot. Three hits to the catapult completes it. Each catapult hit sends the ball around a long habitrail that ends up in the left in lane.
The 3rd Catapult hit, which scores a completion, allows player to use both flippers to launch an object; the object selected is itself cosmetic and provides a certain number of points.
There is a standup target in the Catapult lane that registers one free hit to the Catapult if the lane is shot hard enough.

Catapult Ace is lit after 3 completed catapult launches.


Trapdoor targets in the middle of the playfield on either side of the path to the castle entrance. They pop up during:

Master of Trolls is lit when 10 trolls are beaten.

The Castle

The big toy to shoot at in this game. The targets in front make progress toward lighting the Trolls! mode or awarding Troll Bombs.

Destroying a castle has 3 steps:

  1. hit the drawbridge 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 times (depending on which castle you're on) to lower it
  2. hit the castle gate 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 times to break it, scoring 200,000, 400,000, 600,000, 800,000, 1,000,000, or 1,000,000 per hit
  3. enter the now-open castle for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 20 million

The lords are fought in their castles in random order, and serve no purpose other than different quotes. The King of Payne is always last. Destroying the King of Payne's castle (6th castle total) lights Castle Crusher.

To the left of the castle entrance is a jump shot into a small hanging trap door. This is the lock shot. Shoot here to make progress toward Castle Multiball in standard single ball play, score a Double Super Jackpot during Multiball Madness, score a Super Jackpot during Castle Multiball, or spotting a shot during Royal Madness. Very hard to shoot for but never a bad thing to end up here.

The Everything scoop

So named by the author of this guide because of how it can be lit for everything. Extra Ball is collected at the scoop whenever one is lit; Merlin's Magic is awarded at the scoop after being lit by the right side standups; Trolls! is started at the scoop after being lit at the castle entrance standups; and Multiball Madness or Royal Madness can be started here. Only the Extra Ball can be awarded when the ball falls into the scoop from the pop bumpers above; otherwise, it must be shot from below.

Bumpers and Super Jets

Three bumpers in the top right corner of the playfield. The ball is fed here on a Joust completion, a Damsel completion, or during Super Jets, or a ball can fall into the pops area if it is shot weakly around the Joust loops.
Super Jets occurs after 50 pop bumper hits. 1,000,000 points are scored, and the next 40 pop bumper hits are worth boosted points. Super Jets ends after those 40 hits are used or when the ball drains, and each subsequent Super Jets requires 25 more pop bumpers than the previous but gives 1,000,000 more points up-front when started as well.

F-I-R-E lanes

Spelled on the in and out lanes, and moveable with lane change. Each completion awards 2 bonus multipliers. 8 completions of F-I-R-E lights video mode at the saucer for the next Merlin's Magic.

Additional modes and goals

Multiball Madness

When any shot is completed (or a Trolls! mode is finished), an arrow will light at the scoop. This signifies that Multiball Madness is ready. Multiball Madness is a 2, 3, or 4 ball round with more jackpot shots and bigger value if more Madnesses are started at once: this means completing as many shots as possible before shooting the scoop for Multiball Madness.

During Multiball Madness, all of the shots that had already been completed are now lit for super jackpots. The value of the jackpots increases the more there are. For example, if you completed the Damsel ramp and the Joust victory once each but nothing else, Multiball Madness will light super jackpots at the right ramp and orbits only, and every other major shot will be a regular jackpot.
1 lit Madnesses is a 2-ball round with jackpots worth 100,000 and super jackpots worth 400,000.
2 lit Madnesses gives 3 balls with jackpots worth 125,000 and supers worth 550,000.
3 lit Madnesses gives 3 balls with jackpots worth 150,000 and supers worth 700,000.
4 lit Madnesses gives 3 balls with jackpots worth 175,000 and supers worth 850,000.
Lighting all 5 Madnesses before starting Multiball Madness gives 4 balls with every shot being a 1,000,000 point super jackpot.

It is possible to start the Trolls! mode and a Multiball Madness at the same time. If this happens, and Trolls! is completed during the Multiball, then the Multiball Madness will completely restart with Troll Madness added, jackpots increased, and lost balls replaced (or added, if Troll Madness is the 2nd or 5th Madness).
If Trolls are one of the super jackpot shots, only one will pop up at a time; hitting one will switch which is popped up and score a Troll Super Jackpot worth half the normal super jackpot.

The lock shot to the left of the castle entrance always scores a Double Super Jackpot, worth up to 2,000,000 if all 5 Madnesses are running.

Once Multiball Madness ends, it cannot be started again until after a Royal Madness is played, which in turn requires completing all 5 shots at least once and shooting the scoop again to play a separate mode explained below. Additionally, Troll Madness is the only Madness that can be added during the Multiball Madness round proper, so it's best to complete as many shots as possible before shooting the scoop to get as many super jackpots running as possible.

Royal Madness

Royal Madness is ready at the Everything Scoop when the five lights in front of it are flashing. To do this, make sure that all 5 shots have been completed once and that Multiball Madness has already been played.
Royal Madness is a timed round that starts at 20 seconds, but resets whenever a lit shot is hit. The goal is to shoot every major shot twice (catapult, either loop, each ramp, and one hit to each troll). The first hit to a shot is worth 200,000, and the second is worth 1,500,000. Completing the mode earns either an extra ball or 15,000,000 points depending on settings.

The Catapult standup target is still active. Credit for both Catapult shots can be given with one good shot to the Catapult lane.

The lock shot spots a single Royal Madness shot (whichever is furthest left). Use this in a pinch.

Castle hurry-ups

A castle hurry-up begins when a shot is completed (joust, catapult, peasant, damsel, or a completion of the Trolls mode) and either:

The castle hurry-up starts at 1,000,000 points and counts down (rather slowly) to 250,000 points. Hit the castle drawbridge/gate/opern entryway to collect.
If another castle hurry-up is started before a previous one is collected or times out will start both together with a larger score. Stacking 2 hurry-ups starts the countdown at 3,000,000; each additional hurry-up tacked on after that adds 500,000 more than the previous, so the pattern goes 5,500,000 for 3; 8,500,000 for 4; 12,000,000 for 5; 16,000,000 for 6; 20,500,000 for 7; 25,000,000 for 8; and presumably the pattern continues like such. The hurry-ups count down at the same rate, so even after just two or three are stacked, the timer becomes pretty ludicrously long and you can take your time shooting other shots to build the payout as long as you avoid the castle entrance and the drain.

Collecting a hurry-up at the castle advances a counter for the whole game. Stacking hurry-ups collects the entire stack at once regardless of the point value. Extra ball is lit at 10 cashed in hurry-ups, then again at 40 (and presumably every 40 after that).

Battle for the Kingdom wizard mode

One of the hardest modes to start and complete in pinball.

Lit at the castle after all the blue lights are finished- Catapult Ace for finishing 3 catapults, Joust Champion for winning 3 jousts, Patron of Peasants for starting 3 peasant revolts, Defender of Damsels for rescuing 3 fair ladies, Master of Trolls for destroying 10 trolls, and Castle Crusher for knocking down 6 castles.
The catapult, both ramps, both orbit shots (must be hit separately), and the lock are lit for 2,500,000 point Battle Jackpots. Hit them all, and the trolls will pop up around the gate and the blue lights will flash. These trolls can only be removed with troll bombs. Hit the castle gate 7 times at 5,000,000 points each and it will open- enter the castle for your 50,000,000 point ultra bonus.