Magic City is the replay version. Magic Town is the add-a-ball version. The two games are identical except for Town giving extra balls from the red specials where City gives free games.
To play for points, hit the On Bumpers rollover button on the plunge, then keep the ball at the top of the playfield banging off the 10-point bumpers and nudging so that the ball can go up the 100-point top lanes when possible. To play for replays, spell Magic City around the playfield and go through the given side out lanes, or light the star using the center standup target and drain through the out lanes under the flippers.
Scores 50 points, lights the three red bumpers around the game, lights the letter in Magic City that the lit insert in the green triangle row is pointing to, then moves the indicator.
Correspond to the letters in Magic from left to right. Each lane scores 100 points and awards the corresponding letter in Magic if it is lit. Up and down action through these lanes at 100 points apiece can be very good for getting a high score.
Score 10 points and the corresponding letter in City when lit. The C and I are at the top of the table, on the outer edges and just above the bumpers. The T and Y are on the sides about halfway down the table. Shooting at the C and I is the best way to get the ball to the top of the table and have it stay in the bumpers for a moment. The T and Y are deceptively dangerous shots.
The outer red bumpers score 1 point or 10 points when lit, and are lit by activating the top rollover button or hitting the center standup target. The blue bumper scores 10 points or 100 when lit, and is lit by specifically collecting the Star from the top rollover or center standup.
Has the same function as the top rollover button: 50 points, award the indicated letter, advance the indicator light to the next letter, and light all of the red bumpers. This target and the top rollover are the only ways to collect the Star, if it is the currently indicated "letter".
The side out lanes are very tall and score 100 points, plus a special when lit. They are lit alternately for the rest of the game after Magic City has been spelled.
There are no in lanes. The flippers back up directly to the slingshots.
The flippers are very far apart; there is a pop bumper between them. This bumper advances the indicated letter in Magic City and scores 1 point/10 points when lit, and is lit alongside the other red bumpers.
In the bottom center of the table are three more out lanes. The center one immediately below the bumper always scores 100 points, and that's it. The two on either side of it, due south of the flippers, score 100 points and can be lit alternately for a special by collecting the Star.
The ball can also drain underneath a raised flipper, and there are no points or lights there.
The goal when the ball is in the bottom center of the table is to get the ball to hit the bumper. If you can nudge and get the bumper to add momentum to the ball, the odds of saving it increase drastically. It's also possible for the ball to bounce off the two sloped rubbers and come back to the field of play, looping around the bumper. In general, don't give up on a ball that ends up below the flippers in the middle of the table.
There is no end of ball bonus. Letters in Magic City carry over from ball to ball, but the Star and any lit bumpers will turn off following a drain.
If the game is set to 3 balls, the two I's and two C's in the phrase Magic City will be linked together so that collecting either one gives credit for both.
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