Lectronamo (Stern Electronics, 1978)

Quick strategy synopsis

If you can reliably alley pass, and if the machine is set to keep the in lane on for the rest of the ball after it's lit, then light the left in lane by hitting the star rollover behind the right spinner and shatz into the 9,000 point in lane all day.
If you're not really good at alley passing, or if the 9,000 unlights after being collected, then build bonus at the spinner, build bonus multiplier at the right drop targets, and collect the bonus in the top left lane.

Shots and table features

Top saucer

The top saucer scores 500 points and 1 bonus advance. When lit, the saucer instead scores 5,000 and 3 bonus advance. The saucer is lit by hitting the standup target in the lower left of the playfield. Depending on settings, the saucer can be set to unlight if it is collected while lit, or stay lit for the rest of the ball.

Upper left drop targets (5-bank)

Each target scores 500 points. Hitting all targets scores 10,000 points and an award. By default, the first award is nothing; the second award lights the extra ball on the right in lane; and the third award and on are all Special. There are many settings for how this behaves, though:

If the special is set to points and can be collected repeatedly, there's decent value here, but the shots are usually quite a bit more difficult and riskier than going for other methods of scoring.


The spinner is worth 100 points per spin. Every 4th spin advances the bonus once.
When the bonus reaches at least 10,000 points, the spinner will be lit yellow, signifying that it is now worth 1,000 points per spin. The spinner will stay lit for the rest of the ball, even if the bonus is collected such that the base bonus goes back below 10,000.

Behind the spinner is a 100 point star rollover target. Hitting this target lights the left in lane for 9,000 points.

Right drop targets (3-bank)

Each target scores 500 points. Hitting all targets scores 6,000 points and advances bonus multiplier (to 2, then 3, then 5X: there is no 4X). Has no value beyond the base points while 5X is lit. It's usually good to get these as soon as possible on a ball. Bonus multiplier always resets from ball to ball.

Left collect lane

Getting the ball in the kicker collects the full bonus, including the multiplier. Doing so also drains the base bonus back to its default level of 1,000, but keeps whatever multiplier is lit. Afterward, the ball is kicked to the top of the playfield, hitting a rollover switch along the way that scores 1,000 and 1 bonus advance when not lit or 5,000 and 3 bonus advance when lit. Like the top saucer, this rollover is lit by hitting the lower left standup target.

Try not to end up in the collect lane early in a ball, even if you've collected some multipliers. If you collect the bonus before it hits 10,000 for the first time on that ball, you're undoing the progress you made toward getting the spinner lit for 1,000 a spin. Conversely, try to shoot here as soon as possible after maxing the bonus at 19,000, since there's no particular perk toward keeping the bonus lit, so you're just wasting spinner hits and advance opportunities.

Lower left standup target

Scores 5,000 points and 1 bonus advance on its own, and lights both the top saucer and the rollover in the left collect lane. The top saucer and left rollover can be set to unlight once their lit awards are collected once, or they can be set to stay lit for the entire ball once this target is hit.
It's not necessary to go out of your way to shoot this, but it's a nice boon if the ball bounces into this target at some point.

In lanes and out lanes

The out lanes both score 3,000 points and 3 bonus advances. Both in lanes score 3,000 points when unlit.

The left in lane is lit for 9,000 points by rolling over the star button behind the spinner. Depending on game settings, the lit in lane will either stay on for the rest of the ball, or unlight after one collect. If the in lane stays lit, it's actually a really good strategy to shatz into the left in lane over and over to pick off 9,000s repeatedly. If you see Lectronamo in a high level tournament, players are likely to go for this strategy if it's there.

The right in lane is lit for extra ball after the drop targets are completed a second time (assuming the setting to skip the extra ball is off). Extra ball cannot be worth points, it can only be set to on or off.

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