Jack in the Box is the 4-player version, Jumping Jack is the 2-player version. The two games have identical rules and scoring.
While it's tempting to whale on the big 10-bank of drop targets right away, be sure to enter a lit saucer at the top of the game early on, either off the plunge as a skill shot or from an orbit shot. This ensures that drop targets score 1,000 points each in bonus at the end of the ball instead of 100. Once the 10x bonus is lit, whale on drop targets all day. Be careful of the possibility of center drains if you shoot at the center targets of the 10-bank with the lower flippers.
There are 3 top lanes. The center lane always scores 500 points; of the other two, one will be lit for 500 points, the other scores 50. Below the lanes are two saucers; the one under the lit lane will also be lit. Ending up in the lit saucer is more important than making one of the 500 point lanes. Shoot the top lane that is not lit so that the ball bounces off the diagonal wall, over the post between the two saucers, and into the opposite saucer which is lit. This is more consistent than shooting the top lane that is lit and trying to get the ball to enter the saucer on the same side.
Unlit saucer scores 300 points. Lit saucer scores 3,000 points and lights 10x bonus for that ball.
Each drop target down scores 50 points at the start of the ball. When the ball ends, you receive 100 points in bonus for each drop target that is down at the time of the drain. This bonus value is increased to 1,000 per target if a lit top saucer has been made at any time during the ball. All targets down scores the current bonus (1,000 points, or 10,000 if 10x bonus has been made at a lit top saucer), resets the targets, increases the value of each target down to 500 points, and awards either an extra ball or an instant special (which one you get alternates every time a pop bumper is hit).
Scores 50 points or 500 when lit. One at a time is lit, alternating when a pop bumper is hit. These lanes feed the upper flippers.
The two lower flippers are in standard position. There is a small vertical post wall immediately outside of the flippers, and then just outside of those are the game's out lanes. Directly above the out lane entrances are the game's two bumpers. Bumpers and out lanes score 100 points. Bumpers also alternate the game's 50/50 features, which includes the top lanes, top saucers, upper side lanes, and the drop target completion award.
Bonus is equal to 100 points for each drop target down when the ball drains, times 10 if a top saucer was made during that ball. If the targets are completed and reset, the base bonus goes away, but one of the awards for completing the banks is a bonus collect, so there are no points lost for doing so. There is no holdover for base bonus or multiplier.
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