Hi-Diver has two different types of scoring. The score, displayed on the backglass, increases by 10,000 or 100,000 each time, and works more like a conventional pinball score. The points, displayed on the center of the playfield, refer to how many times the people in the backglass animation have successfully jumped off the diving board. 15 advances scores one point. To avoid confusion in terms for the rest of this guide, the score will be referred to as "pinball points" and the playfield points will be referred to as "diving points". Replays can be earned separately and independently from pinball points and from diving points.
Keep the ball in the upper half of the playfield as much as possible using the saucers, the pop bumpers, the upper flippers, and nudging. For a high risk-high reward strategy, try to turn the pop bumpers on from the lit lower standup target before keeping the ball up top for as long as possible.
Score 10,000 pinball points each. Note that these are passive bumpers, not pop bumpers, so they don't send the ball away.
The two on the outsides are green, and the one in the middle is red. One of the two green saucers will always be lit, and which one is lit alternates every time 10,000 pinball points is scored. The red saucer and the lit green saucer score 10 advances toward a diving point; the unlit green saucer scores 5 advances. (Every 15 advances scores a diving point.)
All saucers, whether lit or not, score 10,000 pinball points.
Score 10,000 pinball points and one advance toward a diving point.
Score 10,000 pinball points when not lit, or 100,000 when lit. They are not lit to start the game; they can be lit by shooting the lower standup target that is lit for On Pop Bumpers; they are turned off by shooting the Off Pop Bumpers target or whenever a ball enters the out hole.
Don't forget to use these! They look like they are in an unhelpful position, being so far apart on the playfield, but they matter a lot, because a well lined up green saucer will kick directly to its side's upper flipper, and the red saucer should kick out to the left side of the post in the middle of the playfield and bounce over to the upper left flipper.
These score 100,000 pinball points. A good sideways nudge is required to get a ball that's stuck in one of these to bounce off the pin in the lane and deflect back into play above the slingshots instead of dropping straight to the lower out lane.
Both targets score 10,000 pinball points and 5 advances toward a diving point. One target is lit for On Pop Bumpers, and one is lit for Off Pop Bumpers. That function is self explanatory, but also know that when the pop bumpers are on for 100,000 pinball points per hit, so are the slingshots on either side of the flipper. Pinball points can rack up very quickly when the bumpers and slingshots are on.
Scores 10,000 pinball points and one advance, just like its cousins in the upper half of the game.
Hi-Diver has no in lanes. The out lanes score 100,000 points. The slingshots are very large and run directly to the base of the flipper. Slingshots score 10,000 pinball points, or 100,000 when lit by the On Pop Bumpers target. Be ready to nudge when the ball is in sling town because these slingshots are exclusively designed to send the ball into the out lanes.
I am not aware of any gameplay settings or rules changes other than whether or not the match feature is off and what the replay scores are set to.
Despite there being 5 replay levels, the Fair-Good-Excellent-Super-Genius lights seem only to light up at 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 million points. Scores max out at 7,990,000 pinball points and 19 diving points.
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