Hit temperature advance targets until the temperature is at least Hot to light the 100 point green bumper, then hit the center target for several hundred points and re-raise it at the swinging targets.
If playing for points, don't let the thermometer fill past Torrid, as this will remove the point value of the center target and make it just worth Special.
The thermometer on the backglass shows the current temperature. It begins at Frigid, and every 5 temperature advances moves the thermometer to Cool, then Warm, Hot, Torrid, and Blow Your Top. Temperature advances are at the 5 rollover buttons at the top of the playfield, the two rollover buttons in the lower playfield, and the two swinging targets.
Temperature advances light and unlight bumpers in seemingly random fashion. Red and yellow bumpers are worth 1 point when not lit and 10 points when lit. The green bumper is lit when the temperature reaches Hot and stays on. When the temperature reaches Torrid, all 5 bumpers stay lit.
The center target is worth 100 points at start, and its value increases by 100 points when the temperature changes (every 5 advances). Its max value is 500 points when the temperature is Torrid. If the temperature is advanced to Blow Your Top, the center target becomes worth Special instead of points, so you can put yourself in scoring jail by advancing the temperature too far. Lit out lanes also score the target value.
Scores 10 points and a temperature advance. Hitting A and B when both are lit resets the center drop target, allowing it to be hit again for some of the biggest points in the game.
There are no in lanes. The flippers are very far apart, but there's a large triangular center post between them. Naturally, given this machine's age, the flippers are shorter 2-inch flippers rather than modern 3-inch ones. It can be very difficult to trap the ball on this game, so try to flip the ball away in a controlled manner if the ball bounces off the triangle post instead of cradling the ball.
Out lanes are score the target value when lit, or 100 points when unlit. Special is lit on the out lanes when the temperature is advanced to Blow Your Top (going through an out lane when Special is lit gives only 100 points). Because of these, it's much more valuable to drain in an out lane than a center drain.