Genesis (Premier Gottlieb, 1986)

Quick strategy synopsis

Complete body parts you don't have yet by spelling them to advance the playfield multiplier. Collect all four body parts then build the robot with a full vary-target hit to be able to repeat the process. When you collect one body part, shoot the flashing ramp for multiball, where all scoring is doubled on top of the playfield X.

Shots and table features

Top A-B-C lanes

All lanes score 5,000. Going through a lit lane unlights it. Unlight all three lanes to score a letter in Body. Spelling Body scores 50,000 points, and advances the playfield multiplier by 1x if Body has not already been lit for the current robot in progress.
Lit lanes can be moved via lane change with either flipper, but both flippers move the lights forward; there is no backwards lane change.

Pop bumpers

Score 1,000 points per hit times the playfield multiplier. There are 4 of them pretty close together so balls can stay up here for a long time. Don't sleep on the points these can give if the ball ends up here via the top lanes, right ramp, or right orbit.

Ramps and multiball

Either ramp scores 10,000 points. The left ramp gives Arms letters, while the right ramp gives Legs letters. The left ramp feeds the ball out just below the vary-target, while the right ramp spits the ball into the pop bumpers just under the C top lane.

After a body part is collected (if it had not been collected already for the current robot), one of the ramps will flash. Shooting that ramp locks a ball and starts multiball. During multiball, everything is in play and there are no specific scoring features; just try to get more letters. All scoring in multiball is doubled- on top of the already present playfield X, as a "multi-multiplier"- for as long as both balls are in play.


The orbits are lit alternately for Brain letters. Going through either lane scores 10,000 points. Lit lanes give letters in Brain. Which lane is lit for a Brain letter alternates when a slingshot is hit or when a Brain letter is collected.


Can score 10, 20, 30, or 40 thousand points depending on how hard it is hit and pushed back. A 40,000 point vary-target shot is considered a "full" shot. At any time during gameplay, a full shot to the vary-target will spot one letter in whatever the most complete body part is (that is still needed for the current robot). Going through an in lane causes Spot Letter in front of the vary-target to flash for a few seconds. During this time, a full shot to the target will spot a letter in every body part that is still needed for the current robot.

When all 4 types of body part have been collected, as denoted by lights in the holding chamber in the middle of the table, the vary-target will flash for Lifeforce. A full shot when Lifeforce is lit will assemble and reveal the robot, light the specials, and reset the status of all body parts, allowing the playfield multiplier to be built up even further. There is no saucer or anything that holds the ball during the robot reveal animation, and it's quite a spectacular and distracting light show, so just try to hold the ball on a flipper until it concludes.

Drop targets

Each drop target down scores 5,000 points. To begin, the drop target labelled 1 will be flashing. Hit that target to start the 2 flashing, then hit that one to flash the 3. Hitting a flashing 3 target will spot a letter in whichever needed body part is closest to completion. If all four body parts have the same number of letters lit, a letter will be spotted in all of them. This award does not need to be done in a single completion of the drop targets: if they are hti out of order, progress resumes when the bank resets after all 3 have been knocked down.

Clarification on playfield multiplier and body parts

The body parts that have been collected already on the current robot will be lit up under the large plastic trapezoid in the middle of the table. When a body part is completed, it only increases the playfield multiplier and enables a lock for multiball if it has not already been collected for the current robot. "Playfield multiplier" is just that- it is a multiplier to all scoring in the game. To get a playfield multiplier from a certain body part a second time, the entire robot will need to be completed first. Once a robot is completed, the playfield multiplier continues to build. If there is a limit for the playfield multiplier, it is at least 13X. The playfield multiplier itself is doubled for the duration of multiball. Playfield multiplier is carried over from ball to ball.

Lower standup targets

One is lit alternately for 10,000 points. The other scores 1,000. Slingshots alternate which of these targets is lit. When a robot is completed and the light show unveils it, the target not lit for 10,000 points will be lit for a special instead.

Bottom of the table

Genesis has a conventional in lane/out lane setup. The out lanes score 5,000 points, or 50,000 when lit. One lane will always be lit, and bumpers and slingshots alternate which one that is. The in lanes always score 1,000 points and cannot be lit for any other value. There are two flippers in the standard position, and no center post.

Extra Ball lights

How exactly these work is somewhat unintuitive. Collecting two non-duplicate body parts on a single ball will light the left insert, which many people assume shows that they have an extra ball since that's what the light reads. However, in tiny text around the light is "Next Part Awards", meaning one more non-duplicate body part needs to be collected to actually earn the extra ball. If this is done, the right lamp lights up, which is the actual Shoot Again light. So, the extra ball comes from collecting three non-duplicate body parts in one ball, and the lamp on the left is just to signal that only one more part remains.


Bonus is pretty much the only thing that is not multiplied by the playfield multiplier in this game. At the end of the ball, 10,000 points are scored for each currently lit letter on the back of the game. Previously completed body parts are not accounted for in any way. This makes bonus extremely negligible in the grand scheme of scoring.
Bonus is also collected when a robot is completed at the vary-target. No matter what, though, it can't be worth more than 130,000, and should be ignored in favor of just finishing the body parts.

Settings and miscellanea

Special can be set to an extra ball or 500,000 points instead of a free game. Extra ball can also be set to 500,000 points on novelty/tournament play.

Next Part Awards Extra Ball can be lit after 2 or 3 body parts, meaning it can require 4 completed parts in a single ball to get the EB instead of 3.

The special on the side targets can be lit as soon as the fourth unique body part is completed, rather than after the vary-target is hit/during the reveal animation.

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