Gemini (Gottlieb, 1978)

Quick strategy synopsis

Get the red or yellow lights off the plunge from the top lanes (they're tied together so that collecting either one gices credit for both), then collect the green and white lights from the in lanes or the upper left side lane and upper right standup target. After collecting the four lights, pick off drop targets for 5,000 points plus a bonus advance each and bonus multiplier when completed. Getting all four lights qualifies the left out lane extra ball, and completing a set of drop targets lights the right out lane special.

Shots and table features

Skill shot

While there isn't really much of a skill shot in the conventional sense, you absolutely should try to collect one of the four top lanes on the plunge, with extra attention given to the red or yellow lights, since those two are connected. All four lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance. Yellow is the easiest one to get on purpose since it can be short-plunged.

Coloured lights

There are 4 coloured lights around the game. Collecting them increases the value of individual drop targets, makes more drop targets eligible for a bonus advance, and lights the left out lane extra ball if you collect all four. Every lane or target tied to a coloured light scores 500 points and a bonus advance. The places to get each colour are:

The red and yellow lights are always tied together such that collecting either one always gives credit for both.
Any ball exiting the upper left side lanes (red/white) or the lower right side lane (yellow) is a drain risk. The upper left lanes can spit a ball into the center; nudge just as the ball is about to leave that area or perform a slap save to get the ball back. An exit out of the lower right side lane can bounce off the top of the slingshot and either into the out lane or dribble over and near the middle.

Drop targets

There are four pairs: two red, two white, two green, and two yellow. Hitting any target scores 1,000 points plus an additional 1,000 points for each coloured light collected, for a possible maximum of 5,000 points per drop target. Only drop targets corresponding to lit colours advance the bonus. Making all 8 drop targets advances the bonus multiplier toward the maximum of 3x, lights the right out lane for a special, and resets all of the targets.
Be mindful of slow EM scoring in this game. It takes a while for the score motor to register exactly how many thousands you deserve per drop target, and if you hit another target while the points for the first one are still counting, you won't get credit for score on the second one. For maximum efficiency, try to hit only one drop target at a time.

Bottom of the table

Gemini has a conventional in/out lane setup. Both out lanes score 5,000 points and a bonus advance; the left out lane is lit for extra ball by collecting all 4 coloured lights, and the right out lane is lit for a special by completing all 8 drop targets. The in lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance; the left in lane is a place to collect the white light, and the right in lane collects the green.

The slingshots are very tall, and their tips rise much higher than the rail separating the in and out lanes. Especially on the left side, it's difficult to make an in/out lane "decision" with nudging because it's common for the ball to be on an unavoidable track to the out lane as soon as it clears the slingshot's top post.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Any rollover lane, the upper right standup target, and any lit drop target advance bonus. Bonus multiplier is increased by 1 by clearing all 8 drop targets. Max bonus multiplier is 3x. The 2x bonus is spotted for free on the final ball of the game. Max bonus is 3x 19,000 = 57,000 points. There is no way to carry bonus over between balls, nor is there any mid-ball bonus collect. The first 1,000 points in bonus are not given for free; a house ball can drain with 0 bonus.

Settings and miscellanea

In a 3 ball game, pop bumpers score 1,000 points. In a 5 ball game, bumpers score only 100.

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