For safe points, shoot to the top of the table as often as possible, staying in the bumpers and attempting to hit the rollover button or complte A-B. The high risk-high reward strategy is to raise the center post with an A or B target, shoot at the swinging target until the right saucer value is high, then collect at the saucer repeatedly.
Score 10 points and rotate the light value between the 5 arrows.
Scores 100 points and the value lit among the arrows. Three of the arrows advance the right saucer value; the other two each open one of the game's two gates.
Each target scores 10 points and raises the center post if it is currently lowered. Making both A and B resets the two targets and awards 200 points.
Score 10 points when lit. The outer green bumpers are always on. The center yellow bumper is only lit when the center post is in its raised position.
Scores 100 points and the lit award. The award lit at the swinging target is always tied to the award at the top rollover button, and is moved by hitting a target marked Change (top passive bumpers or middle side rubber switches). Just like the top rollover, 3 of the possible awards are a hole value advance, and the other two each open one of the game's two gates.
Is always worth 50 points at the start of each ball. Each hole advance increases the saucer value to 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 points. The value does not reset mid-ball for any reason, even upon collecting it. Maxing out the value at 500 points also lights the saucer for a repeatable special for the rest of the ball.
The saucer should eject to the left flipper. If it ejects directly between the flippers, ask if it can be adjusted.
Score 1 point, change the top rollover button/swinging target award, and lower the center post if it is raised.
There are no in lanes. The flippers back up directly to the slingshots.
The left out lane can be entered from two points- just above the left slingshot, or above the left side down post rubber. There are two different "halves" to this in lane with each having its own 100 point switch. There is no pin or post of any kind to help a ball in the upper part of the left out lane deflect back into play. The left gate serves as an automatic kickback when lit, sending the ball all the way up and out the top of the out lane, scoring both of the 100 point rollover switches.
The right outlane is more conventional in height and scores 100 points. The right gate redirects an out lane ball into the shooter lane for a replunge.
Using either gate closes that gate, and it must be reopened by the top rollover button or swinging target award.
There is a center post between the flippers that blocks off the entire center drain gap. It is raised by knocking down either of the A or B targets, and is lowered by the side rubber switches labelled Down Post on the sides of the middle playfield.
The special at the right saucer can be set to light when the saucer value reaches 200, 300, or 400, instead of 500.
Some copies of the game, especially in Europe, are known to have been modified for 5-digit scoring. In practice, all this means is that all scoring in the game is multiplied by 10, and all rules and strategies and balancing stays the same.
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