From the right flipper, shoot left drop targets to work toward bonus multiplier advances and increasing bank completion awards. From the left flipper, it's generally best to shoot the spinner, but if the spinner is not lit and all of the G-A-L-A letters in the top lanes have been collected on the current spelling of GALAXY, shooting for the right standup targets can be okay too. Scoring on this game comes from the increasing awards for completing left drop targets, bonus X also from left drop completions, and base bonus from any lane or star rollover except the out lanes.
The top saucer scores 2,000, 4,000, 6,000, 8,000, or 10,000 points. It always starts at a value of 2,000, and increases by 2,000 each time the top pop bumper is hit or the spinner records a spin. The value loops back to 2,000 if it is advanced past 10,000. Collecting the saucer value does not reset the saucer value.
There are 4 top lanes, but the rightmost lane uses a star rollover instead of a regular rollover switch. These lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance; the 500 points is increased to 5,000 if both the X and Y have been collected for the current spelling of GALAXY. Roll through an unlit lane to light it, collecting that letter. Flipper lane change is not available. G-A-L-A are the four top lanes, while X and Y are the two near in lanes. Spelling Galaxy once lights the two far in lanes alternately for extra ball. Spelling Galaxy twice lights the out lanes alternately for a special.
Scores 3,000 points plus an additional 2,000 per letter currently lit in Galaxy. The ball kicks out the way it came, which can vary widely on different machines: it may send the ball to the left flipper, or either in lane, or a post between two of these options that sends the ball out of control. Tread carefully, and generally don't bother if you can.
The spinner scores 100 points per spin when not lit, or 1,000 per spin when lit. It is lit only when the current base bonus is exactly 2,000, 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, or 40,000. Each spin of the spinner, whether lit or not, also changes the value of the top saucer. It's difficult to shoot the spinner well from the right flipper thanks to the lower leftmost pop bumper just barely being in the way, so backhand the spinner from the left flipper instead.
Score 1,000 points in 3-ball play or 100 points in 5-ball play.
From left to right, the drop targets are red, blue. yellow, and black. Each target down scores 500 points. The three right standup targets score 500 points and spot the black, yellow, and blue targets, from top to bottom. The near in lanes, which also give the X and Y in Galaxy, also spot the red drop target. The far in lanes will spot any drop target still needed, but only when lit; they are usually lit only if the current bonus multiplier is 4x or less.
The game starts at the planet Mercury, listed as being worth 5,000 points. Completing the left drop targets scores and advances the current planet value. Each planet is worth 5,000 more than the last, until Pluto, which is always worth 40,000. Reaching Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune on 3-ball play or Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto on 5-ball play each increase your bonus multiplier. Planet progress, and so bonus multiplier as well, always carries from ball to ball.
Reaching Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto depending on game settings lights the drop targets for Sun Special the next time they are completed.
Galaxy has a conventional in/out lane setup, but with a second in lane on each side of the center drain where the slingshots would normally be. The near in lanes score 500 points and a bonus advance, spot the red drop target, and award the X (left) or Y (right). The far in lanes score 2,000 points and a bonus advance. When lit yellow, these lanes spot one drop target; they are lit until 4x bonus is reached. When lit purple, these lanes score extra ball; this happens once Galaxy has been spelled once.
The out lanes score 5,000 points, or 10,000 when lit. The left out lane awards the X, and is only lit if the G has been collected. The right out lane awards the Y, and is only lit if the X is collected. Out lanes can also be lit for special after Galaxy is spelled twice.
Bonus is advanced by any rollover lane and any star rollover except for the out lanes. A single bonus advance is worth 2,000 points to the bonus instead of the usual 1,000. Max base bonus is 40,000 points. Bonus multipliers are earned by completing the left drop targets repeatedly, as described above. Max bonus is 5x 40,000 = 200,000 points. Base bonus is never carried from ball to ball, but bonus multiplier always is. There is no mid ball bonus collect.
Specials can be set to score a free game, an extra ball, 100,000 points, or nothing. There is no point value available for an extra ball. Special can be capped at 1 per game or 1 per ball.
The two As in Galaxy at the top lanes can be tied together so that collecting either one gives credit for both.
The far in lanes, which spot any drop target when lit, can be set to turn off at 3x bonus instead of 4x.
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