If you're playing for points, the only thing that matters is collecting the A and P letters to light the blue bumpers, then doing whatever you can to get the ball stuck in the bumpers for as long as possible. If you're playing for specials, the strategy is mostly the same because it's preferable to get letters from the standup targets above the bumpers than the upper side lanes or out lanes, but you'll need to focus on the standup targets on the sides near the bottom of the table and the side lanes behind them as well.
There are 4 top lanes, with gaps on either side allowing the ball to miss them entirely. The innermost top lanes give the P and A in Carpet, as well as 100 points. The outer lanes give 50 points as well as the L and I in Flying. The first thing to focus on in any game should be getting the A and P in Carpet to light the blue bumpers for 100 points.
Three bumpers in total. The red bumper is always lit for 100 points. The blue bumpers on either side are only lit when the A and P in Carpet have been collected. Immediately above the bumpers and facing them are 6 standup targets. From left to right, they give the letters C-N-T-E-G-F. The N and G score 50 points while all others score 100. The bumpers may not score any points for a brief time after hitting one of the 50 point targets due to slow EM scoring. An ideal shot is made from the flippers and across the playfield, bouncing off the green post to the immediate outside of the blue bumper, and bouncing around between the bumpers and standup targets.
The left upper side lane and right center standup target award the R. The right upper side lane and left center standup target award the Y. All score 100 points. If all of Flying Carpet has been completed, the game will light either the Rs or the Ys for a special, alternating on 1-point switch hits.
The side lanes on the far outsides of the table score 100 points and award the F and C. The left standup targets give P and L, while the right targets give A and I. Note that these are the second place to earn the A and P, which are needed to light the blue bumpers. P and A give 100 points while L and I give only 50.
There are no in lanes, and not really any slingshots either. Two out lanes on each side award the T, N, G, and E, from left to right across the table. T and E award 100 points while N and G give 50.
There is no end of ball bonus.
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