Basic strategy (for those unfamiliar with the table, or if table play is particularly fast or difficult): shoot specifically for the right spinner. It start out being worth modest points, but increases up to a possible 5,000 per spin with successive completions of the drop target 3-bank that's immediately behind the right spinner.
Advanced strategy (or what your main strategy should be if the spinner value resets between balls): play for multiball. Lock two balls behind the left spinner, then spell Blastoff from the top and in lanes around the playfield, then complete the 5-4-3-2-1 drop targets in countdown order, then lock a third ball. Just starting multiball gives significant points, but during multiball, shoot the spinners.
The top lanes, from left to right, award the letters L, A, S, and T. The four in lanes, from left to right, have the letters B, F, another F, and O. The B and O in lanes score 3,000 points and a bonus advance, while all other letter lanes score 5,000 points and a bonus advance.
The letter B can also be collected from the two standup targets near the bumpers, which score 3,000 points.
After a multiball has been started, all letters in Blast (but not Off) can be collected at once at the standup target in the center of the table between drop targets 4 and 3.
The left spinner scores 200 points per spin. However, if multiball has been started at least once during the current game, the left spinner instead scores 500 per spin times the number of currently lit Blastoff letters, up to a maximum of 4,000 points per spin.
Spelling Blastoff is one of the steps required to start multiball, described later.
The right spinner starts the game worth 500 points per spin. Shooting through the spinner directs the ball toward the right drop targets. Each target down within this bank scores the current spinner value. Each completion of this bank increases the bonus multiplier up to a maximum of 15x, as well as increasing the spinner value by 500 up to a maximum of 5,000 per spin. Sweeping the drop target bank by hitting all 3 targets with no switch hits registered in between except for the right spinner scores a 50,000 point bonus.
Aiming for nothing but ripping and increasing this spinner can be a viable strategy, especially if the spinner value does not reset between balls.
At the start of the game, drop target 5 is lit. Hitting a lit drop target resets all of the 1-2-3-4-5 targets, scores 5,000 points, and lights the drop target with the next lower number. Hitting an unlit drop target scores 500 points. Hitting the lit 1 drop target, and thereby completing the 5-4-3-2-1, scores the highest value lit on the table in front of the drop targets, which is:
The standup target in the center lane between drop targets 3 and 4 scores 25,000 points and advances the bonus multiplier. After starting at least one multiball during the game, this target will be lit for Spot Blast whenever any of the Blast letters are uncollected: making Spot Blast awards all 5 letters in Blast instantly. If the lit 5-4-3-2-1 drop targets are completed while the 40,000 and Lite Special award is lit, a special can be scored one time from this center target.
The left spinner scores 200 points per spin at the start of the game, but its value increases to 500 per spin times the number of lit Blastoff letters after a multiball has been started.
Shooting through the left spinner so that it arcs around and falls into the next lane scores a lock. The first two locks score 10,000 points. If a third ball is shot into this area before All Systems Go is lit, the first ball will be kicked back out, scoring 30,000 points as it makes it way through the lock structure before getting kicked out near the L-A-S-T lanes in the top right. If All Systems Go is lit, putting a third ball in this structure starts multiball. All three balls will be kicked out, and you'll receive somewhere around 180,000 points for starting multiball (each kickout scores 10,000 points two separate times, plus "5,000 points per blastoff letter", which will always be worth 40,000 points).
There are no multiball specific scoring features; just hit stuff while multiple balls are in play. The best options are the spinners. After a multiball has been played, the center lane standup target awards all letters in Blast for free, which instantly raises the left spinner value to at least 2,500 per spin. Balls can be relocked during multiball; this removes them from play and counts as locks toward the next multiball, as there is no relock bonus or jackpot or anything of the sort. Locks cannot be stolen on Flight 2000; the game keeps track of each player's lock progress separately, and will (for example) kick out balls as needed if one player locks ball 1 after a previous player already put 2 balls in the lock structure.
Flight 2000 has a conventional in/out lane setup, but with two in lanes on each side instead of 1, owing to this game's widebody. There is also a center peg between the flippers. To increase game difficulty, this center peg will often be removed entirely or at least have its rubber surrounding removed when Flight 2000 is played in tournaments.
Out lanes score 25,000 points, advance the bonus, and spot the currently lit numbered drop target. They can also be lit for a special by spelling Blastoff twice in a single game (which, naturally, requires starting a multiball in between).
The far in lanes score 3,000 points and a bonus advance, and award the B and O in Blastoff. The near in lanes score 5,000 points and a bonus advance as well as spotting the currently lit numbered drop target, and also correspond to the two Fs in Blastoff.
It can be difficult to collect the Fs in Blastoff. Frequently, it requires somewhat lucky bounces and skillful nudging to get a ball through either near in lane. It can sometimes be possible, though, to shatz the ball to the opposite in lane, where it will roll up the far in lane and return through the near one.
Bonus is advanced by the standup targets near the bumpers, or any time the ball goes through a top L-A-S-T lane, an in lane, or an out lane. Max base bonus is only 10,000 points. Bonus multiplier is advanced by hitting the center standup target or completing the 3-bank of drop targets on the right. Max bonus multiplier is 15x. There is no mid-ball bonus collect. Base bonus can never be carried over from ball to ball. Bonus X does carry over by default, but this can be disabled. Max bonus is 15x 10,000 = 150,000 points.
In competition/novelty play, specials score either nothing or 100,000 points. For arcade play, they can also be set to extra ball or free game. Extra balls cannot be set to have a point value.
The two Fs in Blastoff, collectible at the near in lanes, can be tied together such that collecting either one gives credit for both.
Bonus multiplier and the right spinner value can both be reset between balls. By default, they are carried over from ball to ball for the entire game.
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