Dracula (Stern Electronics, 1979)

Not to be confused with Bram Stoker's Dracula (Bally Williams, 1993).

Quick strategy synopsis

Get the bonus up to 20,000 points to ensure the spinner stays lit for the rest of the ball. Earn double bonus by completing the left drop targets twice or making the upper left loop lane 4 times. If you do both of those things, shoot the spinner all day and collect the bonus at the upper left saucer when it's full. On the last ball, try to collect the bonus or drain when 5X bonus is lit.

Shots and table features

Upper flipper and drop targets

A bank of 4 drop targets at the top of the playfield, shootable with an upper flipper on the plunge, after a spinner shot, or with some bumper luck. Each target down scores 500 points. The first completion lights the cats and scores 3,000 points. The second completion lights the bats, scores 5,000 points, lights the left in lane for special, and lights the right in lane for extra ball. Completions after the second just award the 5,000 points.

The small bumper nearby is a passive bumper, not a pop bumper. Bonking it scores 1,000 points and a bonus advance.

Pop bumpers

Score 100 points each on 5-ball and 1,000 points each on 3-ball.

Right spinner

Scores 100 points per spin when not lit, or 1,000/spin when lit. Once the base bonus has been maxed out at 20,000, the spinner stays on for the rest of the ball. Before then, the spinner is only lit if the current base bonus value is exactly 2,000, 8,000, or 14,000.

Star loop (upper left)

Going around the loop scores 1,000 points and advances the stars. Three times around the loop scores 10,000 points and 2X bonus.
Very difficult to shoot for directly. Stars can also be spotted by the uppermost of the right side standup targets.

Left drop targets

Each target scores 500 points. The first completion scores 3,000 points. The second completion scores 3,000 points and 2X bonus. Each completion after that scores 7,000 points. Going for these all day can be a decent strategy.

Right side standup targets

The top target scores 1,000 points and advances the star loop (see above). I do not believe this target can spot the 10,000 and double bonus, though.
The bottom target scores 1,000 points and a bonus advance.

The middle three targets spell X-Y-Z. Each target scores 3,000 points and lights that letter. Once X-Y-Z has been completed once, shoot the Y a second time for 7,000 points, then shoot it a third time for a special.

Star rollovers

Around the playfield are 4 star rollovers in a diamond shape. Each one scores 10 points and 1 bonus advance.

Bottom of the table

Dracula has a conventional in/out lane and flipper setup.
The out lanes score 3,000 and "mystery bonus advance". The mystery is actually 1 advance for each lit bat or cat at the top of the playfield, so it ranges from 0 to 8.
In lanes score 500 points. Completing the upper drop targets twice lights the left in lane for 5,000 points and a special, and lights the right in lane for 5,000 points and extra ball. Both the special and the extra ball can be set to alternate or be solidly on when lit.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Bonus is advanced at the top passive bumper, the star rollovers around the playfield, the lowest of the 5 side standup targets, and the out lanes. Note that each bonus advance is worth 2,000 points in base bonus instead of the conventional 1,000. Max base bonus is 20,000 points.
The spinner is lit when the base bonus count is equal to 2,000, 8,000, 14,000, or 20,000 (stays on for the rest of the ball once 20,000 is achieved once).

Double bonus can be scored by collecting three stars and shooting the upper left loop, or by completing the left drop targets twice. On the final ball of the game, if double bonus is lit, it will actually alternate being lit with the purple 5X bonus with every 10-point score. Ideally, the ball is drained with the 5X lit, not the double.

Bonus can be collected mid-ball at the upper left saucer. This is a full collect of the entire bonus including multiplier that is always available. This saucer also drains the bonus, resetting it to 2,000. It's not really worth shooting for a bonus collect unless the bonus is maxed out, or unless it's the last ball and 5X is lit and you'd like to take advantage of it.

Settings and miscellanea

The right in lane extra ball can be set up to only require one completion of the upper drop targets (the cats) instead of two (the cats and the bats).

Special can be set to score a replay, an extra ball, an extra ball plus a replay, or 100,000 points. The in lane and side target specials can also each be individually set to be collectible once per game or repeatedly.
The extra ball is either on or off and cannot be worth points.

Bonus and bonus multiplier cannot be carried from ball to ball.

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