If the right flipper isn't strong enough to consistently get the ball up the tube shot, don't play this game.
Shoot the tube shot repeatedly until bonus multiplier is maxed out at 4x (either 6 or 8 shots). From there, either continue to shoot the tube shot to build its value up to a potential maximum of 150,000 per shot, or if extra balls are on, focus on the drop targets and the completing sets of the standups behind them. If the top bonus collect saucer is set to collect the bonus with the multiplier, take advantage of the open right gate whenever possible after getting 4x bonus (right gate opens from Blast or drop targets).
Each button scores 1,000 points, advances the bonus, and lights the corresponding insert green. Lighting all 4 buttons over the course of a ball lights the saucer for a bonus collect. Lighting all 4 buttons in one go at the beginning of the ball scores an instant special.
The rollover buttons lead to the top saucer. This saucer scores 5,000 points, plus 10,000 for each green light from the rollover buttons, plus a bonus collect if all four buttons have been lit. The bonus collect can be set to include or exclude the bonus multiplier- if it includes the bonus multiplier, make a visit to the top of the table as often as you can after picking up 4x bonus (by making the tube shot after finishing Blast or the drop targets).
The tube shot scores 10,000 points the first time, and an additional 10,000 points each subsequent time, up to a maximum value of 150,000 points per shot. If the right gate has been opened, the tube shot puts the ball back into the shooter lane for a replunge, which closes the right gate. If the right gate is closed already, the tube shot will open the left gate instead and award a bonus advance.
The 2nd, 5th, and 8th tube shots each advance the bonus multiplier, and the 10th tube shot scores a special. The tube shot value and all bonus multipliers reset between balls.
If the tube shot can be made reliably from the right flipper, it is a very valid strategy to shoot for nothing else at all. If the feed coming out of the tube shot puts the ball on the right flipper safely- either directly, or from a dead bounce off the left flipper- tube shot all day should be your preferred strategy. Other shots in the game can be built up to award more than 150,000 each, but the safety and the points-per-minute of the tube shot are unmatched.
These "defender" targets block the way to the Ion Generator standup targets in the back of the game. Each drop target down scores the lit value. Completing the bank opens the right gate and advances the lit value. Possible values are 500, 1,000, 1,500, or 2,000 points. The drop targets are not reset when they themselves are completed; rather, they are reset when a row is completed in the standup targets behind them.
Each target scores 500 points and a bonus advance. Hitting a flashing target lights it. Light the blue row to score a 90,000 point bonus; light the yellow row to score an extra ball; light the red row to score a special. Every lit insert scores 10,000 points (times bonus multiplier) toward the end of ball bonus. Lighting all three of the blue, yellow, and red lights will advance the 90,000/180,000/270,000 inserts, which act as a super bonus and allow for additional completions of the standup targets to contribute toward bonus. On top of the special awarded for each completion of the red line, an additional special is awarded for each completion of the grid of 9 lights starting with the fourth- this is very hard to achieve.
The B is the left in lane; the L is the standup target just to the right of the tube shot entrance; the A and S are the standup targets just above the tube shot exit; the T is the right in lane. Completing Blast opens the right gate, and scores and advances the lit value in the center of the table. Possible values are 50,000 - 100,000 - 150,000 - 200,000 points. A special is awarded alongside the 150,000 point Blast collect. Despite the points available, this is a low priority scoring feature, since it's rather difficult to collect in lanes on purpose (especially the left one).
Cybernaut has a conventional in/out lane setup. There is a gate in the left out lane that connects it to the left in lane. The gate is opened by making the tube shot, and is closed when used or when the ball ends. The left out lane will be lit green to show that the gate is open. There is no such gate for the right out lane- the "right gate" mentioned above is only accessible from the tube shot. The left and right in lanes score the B and T in Blast. Bounces from the tops of the slingshots into the out lanes are common, so have nudges ready in an attempt to avoid the in/out lane area entirely.
Cybernaut Bonus is advanced by the top rollover buttons, the Ion Generator standup targets, and the star rollover at the exit of the tube shot. Note that each advance of the Cybernaut Bonus is worth 5,000 points instead of the conventional 1,000. Max base Cybernaut Bonus is 395,000 points. If the bonus is maxed out at this level, a special is awarded when it is collected at the end of the ball. The Ion Generator bonus is equal to 10,000 points for each blue, yellow, or red light collected at the upper right standup targets; this maxes out at 350,000 points. Max base bonus, then, is 745,000 points.
Bonus multiplier is advanced by the 2nd, 5th, and 8th tube shots on a single ball. Max full bonus is 4x 745,000 = 2,980,000 points. Both the Cybernaut Bonus and the Generator Bonus build up and carry over from ball to ball, but bonus multipliers are reset between balls. Bonus can be collected mid-ball by making the top saucer after lighting all 4 top rollover buttons on a single ball; this bonus collect may or may not ignore the bonus multiplier (by default, the multiplier IS ignored), and the collect does not reset the bonus count or multiplier.
In competition/novelty play, specials score 50,000 points and extra balls score 25,000. These are chump change sums compared to the features you should be shooting for.
The special awarded from the top rollovers can be open ended, limited to one per game, or disabled outright.
The bonus multiplier advances from the top shot can happen on the 2nd/4th/6th shots, instead of the 2nd/5th/8th. Also, separately from that setting, the tube shot special can be lit for the 6th, 8th, 10th, or 12th tube shot.
The special for completing all 9 lights in front of the standup target can be scored with the 3rd completion of the grid instead of the 4th.
The special for completing Blast can be earned after 1, 2, 3, or 4 completions of the Blast letters.
The drop targets can be set not to reset after completing the blue row of lights, resetting only after red and yellow instead.
The top saucer can be set to collect the bonus with or without the multiplier when the four rollover buttons have been completed.
The special awarded for reaching a certain amount of Cybernaut Bonus can be given when the bonus reaches 300,000 instead of the max value of 395,000.
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