Focus on building and collecting the three colour bonuses. White is raised by the left top lane and left saucer, and collected at the drop targets. Yellow is raised by the top saucer, and can be both raised and collected at the swinging target. Green is raised by the right top lane and collected at the upper right horseshoe. The end of ball bonus is the white on ball 1, yellow on ball 2, green on ball 3; the two standup targets on the right advance whichever is the current end of ball bonus. Colour bonuses only reset when they are collected as end of ball bonus. Spelling Contact serves only to light extra ball (3 and 5 completions) and out lane special (4 completions).
The left lane scores 1,000 points and advances the white bonus, as well as lighting the first C in Contact. The top saucer scores 5,000 points, advances yellow, and lights the O. The right top lane scores 1,000 points, advances green, and lights the N. All three options will also raise the center post between the flippers. Try to collect one of these; the worst option is going for the top saucer and missing everything.
The center bumper scores 50 points and the others score 10.
All bonuses start at 5,000 points. Advancing a bonus increases it to 10,000, then 15,000, 20,000, 30,000, and 40,000. All three bonuses have a way to collect mid-ball. Only one bonus is collected at the end of each ball- white on balls 1 and 4, yellow on balls 2 and 5, green on ball 3. Bonuses are never reset except for when they are collected as end of ball bonus.
White bonus is advanced by the left top lane and left saucer. Both of these raise the center post; the top lane scores 1,000 points, and the saucer scores 5,000. The upper left drop targets score 1,000 points per target down. Completing the bank scores the current white bonus.
Yellow bonus is raised by the top saucer and 2 of the 10 swinging target values. It is scored by 2 other swinging target values as well. The top saucer scores 5,000 points. The swinging target itself scores 500, and the A and C standup targets on either side of it score 1,000 points plus the current swinging target value.
Green bonus is advanced by the right top lane, which raises the center post and scores 1,000 points. It is collected at the horseshoe lane in the upper right.
The two right side standup targets- one between the two horseshoe entrances, and one in the lower right- score 1,000 points and advance whichever colour bonus will be collected at the end of the current ball.
Each hit to the swinging target in table center or the standup targets to either side will score the currently lit value in front of the swinging target, and advance the light one step to the right. At the start of the ball, the lit value will strobe very quickly, and its starting position for that ball is based on what is lit the first time any switch in the game is hit. Lit values include Advance White, Advance Yellow, Score Yellow, Advance Green, or spot the C-O-N letters.
C, O, and N are collected from the two top lanes and top saucer, or as swinging target rewards. A and C are tied together, so that collecting one earns credit for both, and are located at the standup targets on either side of the swinging target. The two Ts must be collected individually from the kickers located immediately behind the hinge of the outer flippers. Each spelling of Contact lights one star. The 3rd and 5th stars light the left orbit shot for extra ball. The 4th star lights the out lanes alternately for a special.
There are two flippers on each side. There is no protection from a scissor drain between the flippers. This game has double action flipper buttons, allowing the possibility of stage flipping just the outer set. Immediately above/behind the outer flippers are kickers that give 1,000 points, one of the Ts in Contact, and fire the ball toward the swinging target. Be aware of shots from these kickers that deflect off the swinging target into an out lane, or off the side of the swinging target and drop into the center drain.
Out lanes score 1,000 points and are lit alternately for special by spelling Contact 4 times.
For bonus and bonus multiplier information, see the Colour bonuses section.
All copyrighted names and terms in this document belong to their respective owners. The information provided in this document is for educational purposes only and no infringement is intended.
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