Cleopatra (Gottlieb, 1977) / Pyramid (Gottlieb, 1978)

Cleopatra has both 4-player solid state and 4-player electromechanical versions with identical rules and scoring. Pyramid is a 2-player electromechanical version.

Quick strategy synopsis

Plunge the center red top lane if possible. Use the orbits to go back to the top of the table to collect more top lanes. After grabbing a few of them, complete the drop targets, whose value is 1,000 per top lane collected. Clearing the drop targets or all five lanes lights the side standup targets alternately for extra ball; collecting all five of both lights the same targets for special. Bonus is determined by which colours you collected both the lane and the drop target of, and can be doubled on the final ball of the game or by entering both saucers during any other ball. If you've gotten every lane and drop target, collect 5,000 orbits all day.

Shots and table features

Top lanes

All lanes score 500 points. Roll through a lit lane to collect that colour and unlight it. Collected lanes appear in the left column of the bonus ladder in the center of the playfield. The priority lanes to collect from the top are red (since it cannot be collected anywhere else on the table, and drops the ball onto a 1,000 point bumper), then yellow and green (since the only other way to get them directly is via out lanes). Lane change is not available at the top lanes, so you have to nudge or get lucky to grab them all.


The outer bumpers always score 100 points. The center bumper scores 100 points in a 5-ball game, but 1,000 points in a 3-ball game.


Always score 5,000 points, unless you're playing an electromechanical version where they may briefly unlight if a score motor is running. Very fast shots to either orbit may not register the star rollover, though, making these shots worth 0 points instead. They're always worth it for a trip to the top lanes though.

Side saucers

Score 5,000 points, spot one rollover lane colour, and light one half of the Double Bonus light. You must visit both saucers on the same ball to earn 2x bonus, unless it's the final ball of the game, in which case the double bonus is given for free.

Side standup targets

Score 500 points. If either the 5 drop targets or the 5 rollover lanes have been completed, one of these targets will be lit for extra ball. If both have been completed, one of these targets will be lit for special. If both are lit at once, they will be on opposite targets. Lit extra ball and special switch which target they are lit at with each 10-point switch hit.

Center drop targets

Each drop target scores 1,000 points times the number of lane colours collected. Hitting drop targets light the corresponding colours in the right hand column of the center bonus ladder. The standup target behind the drops starts out at a value of 500 points. If all 5 drops have been hit, the center triangle plastic will alternate lit or not lit on 10-point switch hits; the standup target scores 5,000 points if the plastic is lit.

Bottom of the table

Cleopatra has a conventional in/out lane setup, though note that the in lanes and slingshots are rather tall. All in/out lanes score 500 points. From left to right, the out lanes and in lanes spot the yellow, white, blue, and green rollover lane lights.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Bonus is determined by which colours you have collected both the rollover lane and the drop target for. Yellow is worth 1,000 points, green is worth 2,000, blue is worth 3,000, white is 4,000, and red is 5,000. Double bonus is awarded by making both saucer in a single ball, or it is also given for free on the final ball. Max bonus is 2x 15,000 = 30,000 points. There is no way to hold base bonus or bonus multiplier, and there is no mid-ball bonus collect.

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