Centigrade 37 (1977)

Quick strategy synopsis

Pick off A-B-C letters on the plunge, then shoot the ball into the top right saucer all day. When the ball is coming down the right side waterfall structure, try to nudge it into the lit lanes for 5,000 each. 24 advances (lit lanes and out lanes) fills the thermometer and lights the saucer for a repeatable special.

Shots and table features

A-B-C-D lanes

A-B-C are the top lanes; always try to get one on the plunge (it's pretty easy to miss them all entirely, try to avoid this). The D is on a side lane in the middle-left of the playfield. Going through any of these lanes scores 500 points. Going through a lane with a lit letter collects that letter, which lights one of the drop targets for thermometer advance. Collecting all four of A-B-C-D scores 500 points and 5 thermometer advances.


Blue ones score 100, red one scores 1,000.

Upper right saucer

The green lights in front of the saucer correspond to how many of A-B-C-D have been collected. Entering the saucer scores 1,000 points, plus an additional 1,000 for each lit green light. The saucer also scores a special if the thermometer has been maxed out at 24 advances. Shoot for this any time you can, because it's a fairly easy shot that scores decent points on its own and sends the ball into...

Waterfall structure (right side lane pairs)

Unlit lanes score 500 points. Lit lanes score 5,000 points and a thermometer advance. In each pair of lanes, one will be lit, and which one is lit alternates from one pair to the next. Any 500 or 5,000 point score in the game will alternate which lanes in the pair are lit. Try to nudge the ball into as many lit lanes as possible; the ball rarely drops straight through these lanes, and likes to catch corners or posts along the way just enough to make sure that each 500 or 5,000 fully scores.
Be mindful to the exit to this structure, as there are two in lanes and one out lane, but the in lanes are not closed off from the out lane, so be ready to nudge off the out lane post to save a ball.

Drop targets

Each drop target always scores 500 points. Lit drop targets also score a thermometer advance. Targets are lit by collecting A, B, C, or D. When all targets are down, they do not reset automatically, and instead light the...

Bullseye targets

Two standup targets that fact the flippers in triangle structures level with the lower and middle pairs of waterfall lanes. Hitting these targets when not lit scores 500 points. When all drop targets are down, one is lit green and one is lit pink, and they will alternate with every 500 or 5,000 point switch scored.
The target that is lit green scores 5,000 points, resets the drop targets, and unlights both bullseye targets. This is only valuable if the drop targets are all or mostly lit for thermometer advances, but even then, the other bullseye reward is better:
The target that is lit pink lights Double Advance for the rest of the ball. This applies to any thermometer advance in the game, except for the 5-advance received for completing A-B-C-D. There aren't any points here, but it's a fantastic way to build up the thermometer towards lighting the top saucer for special if that is meaningful to you.

Double Advance unlights itself when the ball drains, but the drop targets never reset on their own, so at the start of the next ball, one of the bullseye targets will immediately be lit pink again. If Double Advance is in play, the target that is not lit green will not be lit at all.

Bottom of the table

Centigrade 37 does not have slingshots at the bottom of the table. In place of the slingshot is a second in lane, on both sides. Each pair of in lanes functions the same as a pair of lanes in the waterfall: one is lit at a time, the unlit one scores 500, the lit one scores 5,000 and a thermometer advance, which one is lit alternates with any 500 or 5,000 point collect. The out lanes always score 500 points and one advance.

On the right side only, the in lane rail is cut off and open to the out lane. In turn, there is a small post in the out lane on the very right edge. Balls going down the out lane can be nudged off the post and back into play through this gap. However, holding up the flipper to catch the ball on the right will cause it to roll up and through this gap, leading to a drain. Let balls dead bounce off the right flipper whenever possible.
Be prepared as well for a ball exiting the waterfall structure to go in the rightmost in lane, wiggle a bit, and bounce into the out lane through this gap. It's not common, but it's possible, and very frustrating if it happens when you're not ready.

From ball to ball

Everything in Centigrade 37 is cumulative over the course of the game. A-B-C-D never resets; drop targets never reset on their own; the thermometer builds throughout the game as well. If Double Advance is on, it will unlight itself when the ball drains, but it can easily be turned back on at the pink target since the drop targets will all still be down (unless the lit green bullseye target was hit after starting Double Advance on the previous ball).
There is no end of ball bonus in any way. Tilt penalty is just the ball in play, so if you think there's even a little chance that a large move can save a ball in the out lanes, try it. Be careful not to tilt or nudge too hard when the ball is going through the waterfall though, lest you lose a chance at 15,000 points.

Settings and miscellanea

I believe, but have not been able to confirm, that blue bumpers score 1,000 instead of 100 in 3-ball play. If there are other rules that differ for 3-ball play, reach out.

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