Aztec (Williams, 1976)

Quick strategy synopsis

Lit the A in A-Z-T-E-C and the spinner at the center top lane as soon as possible. From there, shoot for the spinner from the right flipper and the upper right kicker lane from the left flipper. If extra balls are on, spell A-Z-T-E-C then collect at the center target.

Shots and table features

Top rollover buttons

Three of them, arranged above the top lanes, but not quite in a pure horizontal line. The two on either side score 100 points. The one in the middle scores no points, but advances the bonus.

Top lanes

Three of them, again. The two on the sides always score 1,000 points. One of the two is lit for advance bonus, alternating with 10 point switch hits. The center lane scores 1,000 points, awards the A in A-Z-T-E-C, and lights the spinner for the rest of the ball.
Always try to plunge the center lane to start the ball. If you miss, shoot the spinner and try again.

Upper left standup

A small target near the upper left bumper. Always scores 1,000 points. If at least 3 letters in A-Z-T-E-C have been collected, this target is lit for advance bonus.


Three, in an inverted triangle. All score 100 points, or 1,000 when lit. Either the two on top or the one on the bottom will be lit, alternating with 10-point switch hits; all three cannot be lit at once.

Upper right kicker lane

A candy cane lane with a kickout saucer at the bottom. Can be shot from either flipper, or bounced into if the upper right bumper is particularly strong. If no letters in A-Z-T-E-C have been collected, this lane scores 5,000 points; otherwise, it scores 10,000 for each lit letter. This lane also awards 2X bonus if both the Z and T have been collected.
It's possible for the kickout to send the ball into the bumpers, which then throw the ball back into this lane. Nudge to make this happen if you can, especially if multiple letters are lit.

Left spinner

Scores 100 point per spin when not lit, or 1,000 points per spin if the center top lane has been hit/the A has been collected. Behind it is a switch that scores no points, but advances the bonus, as well as lighting 2X bonus if the Z and T are lit. This should always be the shot of choice from the right flipper unless all of the following are true: 1) the spinner doesn't spin well, 2) the bonus is maxed out, 3) there's a reliable backhand into the upper right kicker lane, and 4) multiple (probably at least three) A-Z-T-E-C letters are lit.

Center standup target

Always advances bonus. Scores 500 points if no letters are lit, or 1,000 per lit letter. If A-Z-T-E-C has been completed, this target is lit for extra ball.
Very dangerous to shoot for directly, and the points aren't worth it compared to the spinner and upper right lane. Only aim for this if extra ball is lit.

Z, T, E, and C targets

Z and E are on the left, E and C are on the right. Each scores 1,000 points and its corresponding letter. It can be worthwhile to collect Z and T, since picking off both qualifies the double bonus lights at the spinner lane and upper right kicker lane, but don't shoot for E and C unless extra balls are on. Shots toward E and C like to bounce into the tops of the slingshots and then down the out lanes.

Bottom of the table

Aztec has a conventional in/out lane and flipper setup. The in lanes score 5,000 points and cannot be lit in any way. The out lanes score 10,000 points and advance the bonus. If A-Z-T-E-C has been spelled and the base bonus is maxed out, the out lanes are lit alternately for special.

Bonus and bonus multiplier

Bonus is advanced by the top center rollover button, top lanes when lit, upper left standup target when lit, center target, and spinner lane rollover. Notice that each bonus advance in this game scores 5,000 points rather than the conventional 1,000. Maximum base bonus is 50,000 points.
Collecting both the Z and T letters light the spinner lane and the upper right kicker lane for Light Double Bonus, at which point hitting either lane scores the 2X multiplier. There is no multiplier beyond double; the double bonus must be re-earned each ball; it is not given for free on the final ball.
Max bonus is 2x 50,000 = 100,000.

If A-Z-T-E-C has been spelled and the base bonus is maxed out at 50,000 (double bonus does not need to be lit), the out lanes light alternately for special.

Settings and miscellanea

Special can be worth free game, extra ball, or nothing. Extra ball is either on or off. There are no point values for either.

The extra ball lit at the center target has three settings: on easy, extra ball is available once either A-Z-T or A-E-C have been collected. On medium, only A-Z-T will light the extra ball. On hard settings, which is what was described above, all of A-Z-T-E-C needs to be completed for the extra ball to light.

Base bonus and bonus multiplier can never be carried from ball to ball.

Ten copies of a solid-state electronic prototype of Aztec exist. I am not aware of any scoring differences in the prototype solid state version; if you have played one and there are differences, let me know (and consider yourself very lucky to have played such a rare game).

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