4 Square (1971)

Quick strategy synopsis

Compete sets of 1-2-3-4 to score 500 points and increase the value of various targets in the game.
In competition play, try not to complete 1-2-3-4 for the fourth time so that the green targets keep their 200 point value, since special is worth no points.

Shots and table features

1-2-3-4 targets and rollovers

Each number in 1-2-3-4 can be collected in five places around the playfield: a top lane, a yellow target above and near the bumpers, a green target in the center of the playfield, one of the middle or upper side lanes, and one of the in/out lanes. Before playing, take note of where each one is. All 1-2-3-4 targets and rollovers score 50 points, unless...

Completing 1-2-3-4 once changes the top lane value from 50 points to 200. A second completion does the same for the yellow targets at the top of the playfield, and a third completion does the same for the green targets around the center of the playfield. The fourth completion, however, undoes the scoring boost for the green targets and lights them for special instead- this is bad in competition play, since targets lit for special score no points directly and the specials themselves also have no point value. If playing in a tournament or an arcade where specials are disabled, try to complete 1-2-3-4 exactly three times.
If playing casually and specials do matter, note that they will alternate being lit or not alongside the bumpers, but can be collected repeatedly.

Progress cannot be made on a future line until the current line is completed. For example, if 1 and 2 have been collected, hitting another 1 doesn't light the 1 on the next line until the 3 and 4 have been collected on the current lane. Playfield lights will turn off to indicate this.

Any completion of 1-2-3-4 also scores 500 points. This can only be scored 4 times, as the game no longer keeps track of 1-2-3-4 completions after the fourth.

Progress on 1-2-3-4 lines- both completed lines, and the line currently in progress- is always kept from ball to ball. There is no end of ball bonus, and there is no way to earn an extra ball of any kind.


Green ones are worth 1 point or 10 when lit, yellow one is worth 10 points or 100 when lit. Any 1 point or 10 point switch will alternate whether the green or yellow bumpers are lit- it will never be both at the same time. (Those alternating switches also determine whether or not specials are lit at the green targets after completing 1-2-3-4 four times.) It's nice if the ball ends up whacking the 100 point bumper a couple times, but don't shoot for it directly.

If 1-2-3-4 has been completed once, meaning the top lanes are worth 200 points, try to plunge the 1 or 4 lane, even if you already have those numbers on the current line. It's possible to get decent up and down action off the green bumpers and into the 1 and 4 lanes, which can be massively valuable once the lanes are worth 200 points.

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