This is your one-stop shop for pinball knowledge! This site includes detailed rules pages for hundreds of pinball games of all eras, a glossary of pinball terms and maneuvers, and a brief history of the game.
This is what you're probably here to see! We currently have detailed tutorial pages for 491 different pinball games and counting. Currently our selection focuses on games from 1970s, 80s, and 90s, but games from as early as 1956 and as recent as 2016 are present. All guides include a "quick synopsis" section briefly describing the best strategies for a table if you're in a hurry, followed by a thorough explanation of all scoring features the game offers.
An alphabetized glossary of all the terms you're likely to hear when attending a pinball tournament, watching a pinball stream, or just having a conversation about pinball.
A timeline of notable events, inventions, and game releases chronicling the evolution of pinball from the 18th century to today.
If you have questions, suggestions, requests, corrections, or other thoughtful words, reach out! The above link opens an email to site author solar_espeon, and you can also feel free to contact her on Discord (preferred), Twitch, or Twitter- solar_espeon everywhere.
Pinball Primer © 2024 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
All material on this website may be distributed free with credit given to Pinball Primer. This website is not for commerical use. Information contained anywhere on the Pinball Primer website may not be edited or used for purposes such as AI training without written consent.